M maddawg SatelliteGuys Pro Nov 6, 2003 283 0 Mar 11, 2004 #21 Good to see dish stood up to the mega-media hoodlums.
C Curtis0620 SatelliteGuys Pro Sep 8, 2003 1,270 5 Central Florida Mar 11, 2004 #22 Stood up? He had to take all the channels that Viacom wanted.
M Mr Tony SatelliteGuys Pro Supporting Founder Nov 17, 2003 3,251 14,498 Mankato, MN Mar 11, 2004 #23 WOO HOO!!! They're back!!!! I have my CBS back!
MikeD-C05 Pub Member / Supporter Pub Member / Supporter Nov 25, 2003 36,524 39,655 Nederland , Texas Mar 11, 2004 #24 Curtis0620 said: Stood up? He had to take all the channels that Viacom wanted. Click to expand... Maybe so but Charlie got them at the price he wanted to pay .
Curtis0620 said: Stood up? He had to take all the channels that Viacom wanted. Click to expand... Maybe so but Charlie got them at the price he wanted to pay .
S SlicerMDM SatelliteGuys Guru Sep 7, 2003 132 2 Mar 11, 2004 #25 Where did you see how much he paid for this deal?
mike123abc Too many cables Supporting Founder Sep 25, 2003 25,681 4,995 Norman, OK Mar 11, 2004 #26 Curtis0620 said: Stood up? He had to take all the channels that Viacom wanted. Click to expand... He got to put Nicktoons in AT180, a HUGE difference from AT60. AT60 is all on 119, AT180 means it can go on 110. Plus the number of subs with AT180 is vastly smaller than AT60.
Curtis0620 said: Stood up? He had to take all the channels that Viacom wanted. Click to expand... He got to put Nicktoons in AT180, a HUGE difference from AT60. AT60 is all on 119, AT180 means it can go on 110. Plus the number of subs with AT180 is vastly smaller than AT60.