Carbon UI Issues Thread

Well, I took the plunge over the weekend and forced my 2 HWS to download the CUI (U213). So far I have noticed the following bugs (or 'changes'):

- When I change favorite menus, the guide changes, but the title does not.
- When I expand my RSNs in the guide, I cannot select them - the highlighted box skips past them. If I cancel and hit guide again, I can select them.
- The Home Media no longer asks for a password when Parental Controls are enabled.
- Entering a number and hitting the right arrow while in the guide no longer advances that number of hours - it just changes the guide to that channel number (or the closest to it).
- When a timer fires off, it changes the channel even if other tuners are available.
- Overall, everything is a lot more sluggish.

Hopefully the next release (which I am assuming will be the 'official' release) will address all of these issues. (and hopefully the banner at the bottom of the guide will be able to be turned off!)
Yep, that explains most of my same issues.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
- When I change favorite menus, the guide changes, but the title does not.
- When I expand my RSNs in the guide, I cannot select them - the highlighted box skips past them. If I cancel and hit guide again, I can select them.
I don't use custom channel lists and don't have any RSNs so I can't comment on these. I haven't seen anyone else mention them previously though but Troch77 says he has "some" of the same issues.

- The Home Media no longer asks for a password when Parental Controls are enabled.
I've noticed this as well, but I personally like it. I have nothing on my media server that I want restricted. I understand some people will want it though. In the past, Dish's parental controls were so overbearing (they popped up everywhere) that I'm glad they worked on this function. This "work" likely is what caused this change.

- Entering a number and hitting the right arrow while in the guide no longer advances that number of hours - it just changes the guide to that channel number (or the closest to it).
Yes, it no longer works. Disappointing that Dish got rid of this.

- When a timer fires off, it changes the channel even if other tuners are available.
Noticed this as well and it has to be considered a bug. Should check with Hopper 3 users to see if it behaves that way for them as well.

- Overall, everything is a lot more sluggish.
I can't say it feels slower. If it is, to me, it's not enough to be noticeable. I'll take it though to get the much, much improved color scheme of the new interface.
I hope so too. Unless this is what we're supposedly going to be forced to real soon?! I was lucky enough to have had the self forced CUI replaced with S52x after the early forced days and thanked God for it. Now I'm really scared, since I made the mistake once and only got nicked. Now they're saying it'll be forced here soon and it still has holes? Isn't there a thread begging that it not be done?
Not quite. A few months ago I did start a thread asking that Dish please hold off forcing the CUI update on everyone until most of the bugs and problems had been fixed. Initially, it was reported that Dish was planning to force the CUI release in March. That would have been a disaster. It is now 6 months later, so hopefully most of the issues are fixed by now.

Even so, I am not looking forward to having to explain the new CUI interface to my wife and family (and whatever problems and issues it brings along with it). Even if it works perfectly (which it won't) I know that it will not be a good experience for me.
- When I change favorite menus, the guide changes, but the title does not.
- When I expand my RSNs in the guide, I cannot select them - the highlighted box skips past them. If I cancel and hit guide again, I can select them.

- When a timer fires off, it changes the channel even if other tuners are available.
These are the ones that are also issues on my HWS

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
...until most of the bugs and problems had been fixed.
Will never happen ;) "most" is very subjective too so what is a minor bug to one person may be annoying to someone else.

It is now 6 months later, so hopefully most of the issues are fixed by now.
The changes that we've seen over 6 months aren't very drastic....

I am not looking forward to having to explain the new CUI interface to my wife and family (and whatever problems and issues it brings along with it).
I can say this: It's a non-issue. The basic, core functionality still works like before. Seriously, the channel up/down buttons still work, the guide works the same as for what 99% of users use (Press Guide, scroll up/down to a channel, press Select to watch that channel), the DVR button opens a very familiar screen, etc, etc. Yes, some secondary functions under the guide or DVR menu are different, but most people never touch them. When I updated ours 6+ months ago, my wife, 17-year old, or 14-year said nothing. They didn't blink. Our (at the time) 6-year old "loved it". She's 6 though.... when I get my haircut at lunch and then come home from work, she loves my new haircut. She's easy to impress !! :biggrin
Not quite. A few months ago I did start a thread asking that Dish please hold off forcing the CUI update on everyone until most of the bugs and problems had been fixed. Initially, it was reported that Dish was planning to force the CUI release in March. That would have been a disaster. It is now 6 months later, so hopefully most of the issues are fixed by now.

Even so, I am not looking forward to having to explain the new CUI interface to my wife and family (and whatever problems and issues it brings along with it). Even if it works perfectly (which it won't) I know that it will not be a good experience for me.

It may not have been your thread, but there were those that begged not to be "forced" to the CUI. It may have been in that thread or one of several others. But I clearly remember a post begging not to be forced to the CUI at the time or until they fix it. And I fear the same family consequences. Fear is putting it mildly.
Dish has Fixed the "favorites channel expand" on the RSNs in the Guide.

No more expand Feature.

Thank you Dish.
Something tells me the Permanent UI is extremely close.
I noticed the Carbon UI is supposed to allow you to cycle through the PIP menu by pushing the PIP button multiple times until you land on the PIP option you want. This doesn't appear to work on my HWS (but arrowing over and hitting select does).

As a side note, it would be really nice if PIP could be setup more like the 722k- one PIP button press to open PIP window on screen and one more PIP button press to close the PIP window on screen. The advanced options are nice but I find they result in the need for too many button pushes as result of the design (maybe it would be better to hide these options away in the settings menu and get rid of the PIP navigation bar all together or give people a choice to either show the PIP nav bar or use more basic functionality that doesn't show the bar).
Is there any way to re-index timers? I'm really, REALLY tired of going in to either delete a timer and it deletes a totally different one, or going in to a timer, editing, going to priority and it shows up as a different timer in there. I've deleted all timers and reset every one up and I'm still having this issue. So frustrating!
Welp, had to get a new HWS receiver replaced because old one the hard drive crashed. The replacement (referb) unit forced upgrade to Carbon (U213). So far, not impressed. Overall, slower to operate with lag between remote commands. Have had a few crashes while recording primetime and trying to watch a show and fast forward, so have recorded programs in pieces with missing parts. Also, one big issue for me is that every time I try to scan and load off-air channels, it completes the scan but as soon as I try to save anything, it crashes again. Sigh.....
Sorry to hear about your problems gasman. Are you saying that your old receiver had the old interface and when you replaced your HWS it automatically updated to the new CUI without you punching in the secret codes to force the update?

If true, could this be the start of the forced CUI updgrades to the older Hoppers?
Sorry to hear about your problems gasman. Are you saying that your old receiver had the old interface and when you replaced your HWS it automatically updated to the new CUI without you punching in the secret codes to force the update?

If true, could this be the start of the forced CUI updgrades to the older Hoppers?
From what I understand, any new hopper activation from October 1st is going to be the carbon UI.
I thought they had already been sending CUI on all Hoppers shipped over the last several weeks.
Thats what was claimed but, we swapped out a Hopper1 with a Hopper2 at a friend's house on the 27th of Sept and it got the old UI.

And another source claimed October was the date that all hoppers will automatically download the new UI during activation.
If true, could this be the start of the forced CUI updgrades to the older Hoppers?
From what I understand, any new hopper activation from October 1st is going to be the carbon UI.
That's what I suspect, although I'm somewhat surprised that Dish didn't, for now, restrict it to new activations for new customers. That way, it's not something different or a big change from what they were used to (other than their previous provider's interface). Or actually, hasn't that already been the case and now they've moved it to new activations for existing customers ?
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