Velma was ready to stiff arm her closest competitor in order to win this time! "Back off, bitch!"
Harold was very upset when he felt those two quarters in his pocket, knowing that there was no way now to reach the coin slot!
lmao!!!!! :haha:haha:hahaAt last Pennington was truly washed up!
Soon to be replaced with a Coor's Light background!
Soon to be replaced with a Coor's Light background!
Why ?
Is the contract with AT&T over at the end of the year ?
The Coor"s light commercials use the edited press conferences of EX-CoachesWhy ?
Is the contract with AT&T over at the end of the year ?
Haven't you seen any of the Coors Light commericals with the coach's press conferences??
The Coor"s light commercials use the edited press conferences of EX-Coaches
GET WITH IT JIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gotcha, I guess I never paid much attention to them.
Guy on right: "Hey it's not my fault, that guy is the one who hired me!"
Guy on left: " Can't believe I hired this friggin idiot"