Can't log on to main Dish forum???

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old corps

SatelliteGuys Pro
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Pub Member / Supporter
Jan 13, 2005
Strange-When I try to log on to the main Dish forum it goes to the Sat Guys home page. I can get in to the BB page or Tech page from there but not the main Dish forum site.:confused:

Yep fine here too.....there was some problems a couple of days ago. So I bet your browser has stored things wrong just clear your cache and all should be well.
I can not get on the main Dish forum. When I try to I get the Sat Guys home page and from there I can get to Dish Tech, Hopper & BB but not the primary Dish Forum. I posted this last night and the post disappeared, hope this doesn't! What's the deal? Scott? Anyone?

It is something stuck in your browsers cache.

This was a big problem on Monday Morning, but most if not everyone were able to fix the issue by using one of the following.

1) on the main forums listing page press and hold your control key and then press down F5 (then release the control key), so it forces a refresh of the pages and it should hopefully clear the bad cache for that page.
2) Go into your settings and force it to clear the cache, then reboot your machine.
3) Try logging off and Loggin in again
4) Use a different browser to access those forums until you other browser clears the cache itself.

I am sorry for the issue. Hopefully one of these fixes things for you. :)
Not sure what browser you are using,I run an older version of firefox.Haven't had any issues.A handy program to help keep your browsers cache clean is called crap cleaner or ccleaner.Its free ware has other useful tools as well.

Not sure what browser you are using,I run an older version of firefox.Haven't had any issues.A handy program to help keep your browsers cache clean is called crap cleaner or ccleaner.Its free ware has other useful tools as well.


Finally got in via Explorer after installing and running piriform. I could get in via Firefox but not IE. Seems solved now.

Thanks Teehar!

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