Can't decide. Pansat 2700A or CoolSat 4000 Pro

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 28, 2005
Pansat 2700a is about $30 cheaper than CoolSat 4000 Pro.
I could not decide which one to get.
I read posts from various sites, and I STILL can't decide which one to get.

Could someone help me to choose?

I know it's lame but this is my first FTA setup, and I would like the best one I could get.

Thanks a lot!

BTW, SatelliteGuys.US helps me learning lots of FTA stuffs I've never known.

I have a 2700A but have never even seen the Coolsat. One thing I really like about the 2700A is the ability to edit the channel lists via the computer and the editor program now comes 2700A firmware download from
I have seen the Pansat 2700A, Fortec Lifetime Ultra and Coolsat 400 Pro all on sale this week up to $50 off on multiple websites. This is only a one week promotion. I do not know why they all went on sale this week. I have choosen the Pansat 2700A as the one that I will be buying this week.
They need to get rid of a lot of stock due to Bell Express Vu and Dish Networks impending switch to Nagravision 2 - they know it's coming and the sad fact of the matter is that the majority of FTA receivers are bought with the intention of stealing programming.
The unscrupulous retailer will be forced to either lie and say that the receiver is compatible with Nagravision 2 or simply sell their stock at a loss.

When it does hit, (Soon) the sale of FTA receivers will plummet and those who are true FTAers such as 95% of our forum members will be the only ones buying.
When it does hit they'll be so cheap on eBay that the sites selling them won't be able to shift what stock they have.

They can't afford to be stuck with large stocks of receivers so they're selling them as fast as possible to those on the tail-end before the switch.

It's swings and roundabouts, the people who invested $150-200 into stealing programming will be forced to take a huge hit when they sell their receivers which is bad for them but good for us.

Give it a few weeks and it'll be a buyers market, the minority (Us) will have a fantastic choice of what receiver to buy and how much to pay.

The upshot of this is that some people who can't use their receivers to steal programming will have to use it for true FTA, we'll get more members and FTA will continue to grow.
I should have waited - but I picked up a Coolsat 4000 Pro for $170 to my door on ebay. $180 shipped is the hot ticket on there. $199 shipped is common.

I chose the coolsat mostly because I like the look of it better - lol. Iceberg's review sold me.

The other reason is it seemed like most places selling the Pansats were selling it with a Dish 500 / data cable / and filez access. I affectionately call these 'Hack in a Box'.

I'd hate to be on their customer list if / when Dish comes down on pirates like DirecTV did. I have friends that were served with the 'Give us $2,500 and we won't sue you' letters for having bought unloopers / smartcard readers from places that got busted.

Even with the coolSat I'm sure I'll get an odd eye from an installer if I ever go with dish to resume my Voom viewing.
Cascade said:
They need to get rid of a lot of stock due to Bell Express Vu and Dish Networks impending switch to Nagravision 2 - they know it's coming and the sad fact of the matter is that the majority of FTA receivers are bought with the intention of stealing programming.
The unscrupulous retailer will be forced to either lie and say that the receiver is compatible with Nagravision 2 or simply sell their stock at a loss.

When it does hit, (Soon) the sale of FTA receivers will plummet and those who are true FTAers such as 95% of our forum members will be the only ones buying.
When it does hit they'll be so cheap on eBay that the sites selling them won't be able to shift what stock they have.

soon.....very soon :D

You're right Cascade, the box prices will plummet (and E-Bay will be flooded with boxes)
Thank god you can load factory softweare in a hack box :)
Shawn95GT said:
The other reason is it seemed like most places selling the Pansats were selling it with a Dish 500 / data cable / and filez access. I affectionately call these 'Hack in a Box'.
so true...I had a couple people send me e-mails with "go to this site to get the flash"....I just laugh and erase it.

"Hack in a Box"....that is still funny every time I read it :D:D
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