Can't believe what I heard on kids mix today

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Digital Dude

Home Theater Editor
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Feb 9, 2005
Chillin this afternoon with my 8 year old after playing putt-putt. She wanted to cool off in the A/C and watch some TV. She tuned to channel 111 "Kids" mix.

The music playing in the background was "Everybody must get stoned!".

Un-freakin-believable! Called and filed a complaint with a CSR who agreed it was totally inappropriate. Anyone else catch this today?
I always thought it was strange they play the Solid Gold Oldies feed from Music Choice on the kids mix channel instead of something more appropriate, like Radio Disney! :confused:
you think that is bad? try going to 296 carton network around 530 am, check out adult swim!!!! this animated show would make south park blush!!!
My son has fallen asleep to Cartoon Network and woke up screaming.. I had not shut his TV off and he woke up to Robot Chicken... (I watched the episode later) the show said "kill your parents!" then showed a claymation kid blow his parents away from behind while they were watchin TV. Then it showed a claymation version of the TV scene in the "The Ring"

He had woken up and ran out SCREAMING and crying... Thing is they show alot of shows he likes to watch right before bed... so I have to MAKE SURE I get the TV off in time...

I HATE adult swim...
That is what can happen when the parent refuses to be the parent and decides the TV can do a better job, there is parental controls, there is monitoring, the world is not obligated to babysit for you. If you lack the time to take care of your children, you should have worn protection on that night of passion. Cartoon Network provides plenty of warning before AdultSwim airs, where were you when your kid saw that warning? Aren't you supposed to be watching your kids? What are/were you doing instead? Perhaps you should turn over responsibility to someone who has the time to properly monitor you kid and program a V-Chip? For decades parents blamed TV content for the problem their children have, finally the powers that be invented the V-Chip and parental controls, and time limits, yet, now you same people refuse to USE these tools they so much wanted before? Why the _heck_ are you letting your kids fall asleep in front of the television for, where were YOU???!? When I was a kid, my parents made sure I was in *gasp* bed, not nodding out in front of TV like it was an electronic babysitter.

Quit putting your responsibilities on people (TV execs) that do not have legal OR moral responsibilities for your children, and start being parents. Why do you even have these channels unblocked? Why did you not take any steps to prevent this? What happened???

Turn off the TV, crack open a book and spend some time with the kids for once.

I'm sorry, but you cannot expect the world to teach your kids what you want them to be taught, if it's offensive, block it, oor get SkyAngel or similar.

In fact if you ever watched Robot Chicken you plainly saw it said it big letters, something to the effect, "Do not allow your children to watch this show, if you do you are a horrible parent". HINT: It's called 'ADULTswim', not, 'let your kids pass out watching it and wake up with nightmares Swim".

I personally am offended by a supposed man of god, telling me I should send him money to prove my love of God, I am offended by drug commercials during the SuperBowl that tell me my p*nis is too small, yet, I change the channel and move on, not whine about how the world doesn't agree with everything I beleive. The power lies in your hands, block the channels, ditch your service, monitor what your kids watch, set the timer limits on your STB, heck, if you REALLY are concerned about what your kids watch, THROW/SELL/GIVE away your TVs, there is no legal requirment making you own a TV, or access public sat/cable channels, or leaving your kid alone in front of a TV all night. there is plenty of ways you could have prevented those things from happening, yet you took NO measure to rectify it, so if you don't care, why should anyone else?

That's part of the problem in this world today, eveyone thinks it's the other guys fault or responsibility, yet never take the time to think that it could be their own fault and responsibility.

I apologize if this seems hostile, but this is a button with me, and hardly even on-topic as Cartoon Network is not even DirecTV owned or operated, this is something which exists on many sat networks(sans skyangel and the like), all cable networks, and yes, even broadcast networks, not DirecTV alone. A truley media-concerned family would not own DirecTv or Dish, or Cable, they would have a large collection of books and filtered programming that has been pre-watched by a parent. And all TV watching would not be allowed without parental supervision. But some parents seem to think they shouldn't _have_ to watch their kids in front of the TV, or how about the infamous 'we don't have time' sad.
Don't get me wrong, yes, it would be WRONG to allow kids to watch some of this trash, the fact of the matter is, YOU are the parent of YOUR kid, act like one and do something about it on YOUR end. Because if you are waiting for the rest of the world to agree with everything you agree with, don't hold your breath, it's simply unrealistic.
Yep, I love watching some of the AS shows and I wouldn't mind having an AS channel, but in the interim that's why I setup the ratings block on my kids' receivers.
projectorsrule said:
Chillin this afternoon with my 8 year old after playing putt-putt. She wanted to cool off in the A/C and watch some TV. She tuned to channel 111 "Kids" mix.

The music playing in the background was "Everybody must get stoned!".

Un-freakin-believable! Called and filed a complaint with a CSR who agreed it was totally inappropriate. Anyone else catch this today?

Sure is some opinions here!! I think the original quote above stated it was a D* Kids mix channel. Now why they need to play such music I don't know and I agree it is not appropriate. As far as the rest of the rants above this lamenting you for being a bad parent....Chill out!!! I am 35 and when I was a kids it was 4, cbs,nbc and pbs on a good day. Now you almost have to block out half the channels, including news at times, to not expose your kids to something rude, crude, or lewd. It is unarguably the right of the networks to show what they deem will sell but it sure would be nice if as a parent you could watch a supposed kids mix channel without said music playing, watch the superbowl without the viagra ads, watch the news without finding out about the latest tragic story of a child kidnapped, assulted, and murder, if you could take your kids to a college or pro sporting event without F* bombs flying all over the place, and if you could sit down at 8pm and watch a show with your kids that is age appropiate for someone under 7 on a major network. Unfortunately this is the times in which we live and as stated above the world will not be getting any better anytime soon IMO. For those of you busting others asses about being a parent ....make sure you are one before you preach. If you are one make sure you practice what you preach. And above all enjoy your kids every minute of everyday. I have a 4,5,7 year old and man they grow up quick.
When you bring your dirty laundery into a public forum, you must expect various opinions, if that person did not wish his/her life to be judged or specticled by other people, do not post it to a public forum, simple as that.

As for the Kids Mix post, I had nothing to say about that because it IS ran by DirecTV and them naming it Kids Mix comes with it a certain expectation, none of what I said applied to that, my issue is with the person who ADMITS to allowing his kids to fall ASLEEP UNsupervised in front of a TV, then coming on here and whining about, it, Cartoon Network and AdultSwim, under a post aimed at soley at DirecTV.

Perhaps _you_ should read posts more carefully before posting _your_ preaching..or are you exempt from your own 'rules'? I made no statment even remotly related to the Kids Mix post.

And I'm 36, what is your point?
damaged said:
That is what can happen when the parent refuses to be the parent and decides the TV can do a better job, there is parental controls, there is monitoring, the world is not obligated to babysit for you. If you lack the time to take care of your children, you should have worn protection on that night of passion. Cartoon Network provides plenty of warning before AdultSwim airs, where were you when your kid saw that warning? Aren't you supposed to be watching your kids? What are/were you doing instead? Perhaps you should turn over responsibility to someone who has the time to properly monitor you kid and program a V-Chip? For decades parents blamed TV content for the problem their children have, finally the powers that be invented the V-Chip and parental controls, and time limits, yet, now you same people refuse to USE these tools they so much wanted before? Why the _heck_ are you letting your kids fall asleep in front of the television for, where were YOU???!? When I was a kid, my parents made sure I was in *gasp* bed, not nodding out in front of TV like it was an electronic babysitter.

Quit putting your responsibilities on people (TV execs) that do not have legal OR moral responsibilities for your children, and start being parents. Why do you even have these channels unblocked? Why did you not take any steps to prevent this? What happened???

Turn off the TV, crack open a book and spend some time with the kids for once.

I'm sorry, but you cannot expect the world to teach your kids what you want them to be taught, if it's offensive, block it, oor get SkyAngel or similar.

In fact if you ever watched Robot Chicken you plainly saw it said it big letters, something to the effect, "Do not allow your children to watch this show, if you do you are a horrible parent". HINT: It's called 'ADULTswim', not, 'let your kids pass out watching it and wake up with nightmares Swim".

I personally am offended by a supposed man of god, telling me I should send him money to prove my love of God, I am offended by drug commercials during the SuperBowl that tell me my p*nis is too small, yet, I change the channel and move on, not whine about how the world doesn't agree with everything I beleive. The power lies in your hands, block the channels, ditch your service, monitor what your kids watch, set the timer limits on your STB, heck, if you REALLY are concerned about what your kids watch, THROW/SELL/GIVE away your TVs, there is no legal requirment making you own a TV, or access public sat/cable channels, or leaving your kid alone in front of a TV all night. there is plenty of ways you could have prevented those things from happening, yet you took NO measure to rectify it, so if you don't care, why should anyone else?

That's part of the problem in this world today, eveyone thinks it's the other guys fault or responsibility, yet never take the time to think that it could be their own fault and responsibility.

I apologize if this seems hostile, but this is a button with me, and hardly even on-topic as Cartoon Network is not even DirecTV owned or operated, this is something which exists on many sat networks(sans skyangel and the like), all cable networks, and yes, even broadcast networks, not DirecTV alone. A truley media-concerned family would not own DirecTv or Dish, or Cable, they would have a large collection of books and filtered programming that has been pre-watched by a parent. And all TV watching would not be allowed without parental supervision. But some parents seem to think they shouldn't _have_ to watch their kids in front of the TV, or how about the infamous 'we don't have time' sad.

You have way to much time on your hands pal...

Wow...what a dick!
Amazing guffy1, you created an entire post of totally monosyllabic words, impressive, and the arguments you presented, 'I have too much time on my hands", wow. I am so very glad _you_ chose to take the time out of your, no doubt, important and busy day to come here and call me male genitalia. I, for one, am really, really impressed with your thoughts, and concerns on children, and the obviously so well-thought out message you took time to share with us.

Looking at the contents of your posts in your Public Profile, should I expect anything less? Half come from him trying to 'scam' DirecTV into getting locals, another 1/4 contain more of his sarcastic replies. And he says _I_ have too much time?
damaged said:
When you bring your dirty laundery into a public forum, you must expect various opinions, if that person did not wish his/her life to be judged or specticled by other people, do not post it to a public forum, simple as that.

As for the Kids Mix post, I had nothing to say about that because it IS ran by DirecTV and them naming it Kids Mix comes with it a certain expectation, none of what I said applied to that, my issue is with the person who ADMITS to allowing his kids to fall ASLEEP UNsupervised in front of a TV, then coming on here and whining about, it, Cartoon Network and AdultSwim, under a post aimed at soley at DirecTV.

Perhaps _you_ should read posts more carefully before posting _your_ preaching..or are you exempt from your own 'rules'? I made no statment even remotly related to the Kids Mix post.

And I'm 36, what is your point?

Wow . I agree with you as it pertains to letting your kids fall asleep if front of he TV. You need to chill out and realize different people have diferent ideas ways of life. Don't bring in a crap attitude to this forum and tell me i am not following what i preach...i was not preaching just offering some "obvious" advice to parents to watch their kids grow up and enjoy that time
I am making the point that this was started to talk about the D* Kids feed and the misic they play and the fact you need to bust peoples ass . AND if you have nothing to ofer as it pertains to the Kids mix please refrain! :shocked
As it pertains to age I was just pointing out hte fact life was much simplier than.....chill
Me chill? You are the one using the bad words and exclaimation points. Interesting, don't you think? I know _I_ find it absolutly fascinating. Two times you have accused me of the very same things you yourself did.
damaged said:
Me chill? You are the one using the bad words and exclaimation points. Interesting, don't you think? I know _I_ find it absolutly fascinating.

Bad words? show me one and then grow up. I insulted no one and just offered an opinion. and go to some other forum where y0u can spout meaningless dribble to entice the masses...few :p
Madtown HD Junkie said:
Sure is some opinions here!! I think the original quote above stated it was a D* Kids mix channel. Now why they need to play such music I don't know and I agree it is not appropriate. As far as the rest of the rants above this lamenting you for being a bad parent....Chill out!!! I am 35 and when I was a kids it was 4, cbs,nbc and pbs on a good day. Now you almost have to block out half the channels, including news at times, to not expose your kids to something rude, crude, or lewd. It is unarguably the right of the networks to show what they deem will sell but it sure would be nice if as a parent you could watch a supposed kids mix channel without said music playing, watch the superbowl without the viagra ads, watch the news without finding out about the latest tragic story of a child kidnapped, assulted, and murder, if you could take your kids to a college or pro sporting event without F* bombs flying all over the place, and if you could sit down at 8pm and watch a show with your kids that is age appropiate for someone under 7 on a major network. Unfortunately this is the times in which we live and as stated above the world will not be getting any better anytime soon IMO. For those of you busting others asses about being a parent ....make sure you are one before you preach. If you are one make sure you practice what you preach. And above all enjoy your kids every minute of everyday. I have a 4,5,7 year old and man they grow up quick.

Take a look at "busting others a**es" there is your word, so, we are waiting. A 35 year old man who uses the words 'chill out' telling someone to grow up...too funny.
damaged said:
Take a look at "busting others a**es" there is your word, so, we are waiting.

ASS = Main Entry: 1ass
Pronunciation: 'as
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English assa, probably from Old Irish asan, from Latin asinus
1 : any of several hardy gregarious African or Asian perissodactyl mammals (genus Equus) smaller than the horse and having long ears; especially : an African mammal (E. asinus) that is the ancestor of the donkey
2 often vulgar : a stupid, obstinate, or perverse person -- often compounded with a preceding adjective <don't be a smart-ass>

how about this then Shi*, pis*, coc*, Cun*, mother f**ke*, Ti*....those are bad words. aka. carlin's 7 words you can not say on TV. Next time I can use those to distinguish when I mean to call someone a complete dickhead or not.
Yes, that told me. You certainly put me in my place. Frankly, I am just amazed you managed to actually utilize a dictionary, so I will not take that, no doubt, gold medal accomplishment of your life away from you.
damaged said:
That is what can happen when the parent refuses to be the parent and decides the TV can do a better job, there is parental controls, there is monitoring, the world is not obligated to babysit for you. If you lack the time to take care of your children, you should have worn protection on that night of passion. Cartoon Network provides plenty of warning before AdultSwim airs, where were you when your kid saw that warning? Aren't you supposed to be watching your kids? What are/were you doing instead? Perhaps you should turn over responsibility to someone who has the time to properly monitor you kid and program a V-Chip? For decades parents blamed TV content for the problem their children have, finally the powers that be invented the V-Chip and parental controls, and time limits, yet, now you same people refuse to USE these tools they so much wanted before? Why the _heck_ are you letting your kids fall asleep in front of the television for, where were YOU???!? When I was a kid, my parents made sure I was in *gasp* bed, not nodding out in front of TV like it was an electronic babysitter.

Quit putting your responsibilities on people (TV execs) that do not have legal OR moral responsibilities for your children, and start being parents. Why do you even have these channels unblocked? Why did you not take any steps to prevent this? What happened???

Turn off the TV, crack open a book and spend some time with the kids for once.

I'm sorry, but you cannot expect the world to teach your kids what you want them to be taught, if it's offensive, block it, oor get SkyAngel or similar.

In fact if you ever watched Robot Chicken you plainly saw it said it big letters, something to the effect, "Do not allow your children to watch this show, if you do you are a horrible parent". HINT: It's called 'ADULTswim', not, 'let your kids pass out watching it and wake up with nightmares Swim".

I personally am offended by a supposed man of god, telling me I should send him money to prove my love of God, I am offended by drug commercials during the SuperBowl that tell me my p*nis is too small, yet, I change the channel and move on, not whine about how the world doesn't agree with everything I beleive. The power lies in your hands, block the channels, ditch your service, monitor what your kids watch, set the timer limits on your STB, heck, if you REALLY are concerned about what your kids watch, THROW/SELL/GIVE away your TVs, there is no legal requirment making you own a TV, or access public sat/cable channels, or leaving your kid alone in front of a TV all night. there is plenty of ways you could have prevented those things from happening, yet you took NO measure to rectify it, so if you don't care, why should anyone else?

That's part of the problem in this world today, eveyone thinks it's the other guys fault or responsibility, yet never take the time to think that it could be their own fault and responsibility.

I apologize if this seems hostile, but this is a button with me, and hardly even on-topic as Cartoon Network is not even DirecTV owned or operated, this is something which exists on many sat networks(sans skyangel and the like), all cable networks, and yes, even broadcast networks, not DirecTV alone. A truley media-concerned family would not own DirecTv or Dish, or Cable, they would have a large collection of books and filtered programming that has been pre-watched by a parent. And all TV watching would not be allowed without parental supervision. But some parents seem to think they shouldn't _have_ to watch their kids in front of the TV, or how about the infamous 'we don't have time' sad.

Just curious... do you have kids?
Please reply by conversation.

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