This sounds a little scary Im about to cancel dish after 4 years I have heard so many nightmares about them charging for returned recievers even never sending boxes or giving wrong address's.Whats the best way to send them back I plan on taking pictures of everything I put in every boxes.

Any other suggestions?
Funny, you ask.
I had a bad 622, and after some on the phone debug, they decided to replace it at no charge. They send me a new one and a Return slip for the defective 622.
After about 6 weeks, they left me a message on the phone to urgently call them.
When I called them they said I need to return the defective equipment, I said I did,
and that went back and forth.
Luckily I had the UPS tracking number, I tracked the package and it said that was received by a certain person, at some Dish location.
I call Dish back with the information, ripped them apart for being dishonest and disorganized, so they apologized and offered me something of a discount for my time,
Can't thrust Dish or any company when it comes to shipping, get the tracking number, and save a copy of it once it reaches final destination.
If it does not reach the final destination, take the issue with the carrier.