Canceled Dish Today... And dish didn't care


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 14, 2004
I canceled dish today. Not because I was unhappy with Dish but because I am turning off all cable and going to a OTA/Media Center setup. I watch so little TV its hard to justify the cost.

Anyway I've been on a 250+ plan for 12 months and get a UFC payper view every month. I've never been late and never called much.

I was gearing up to reject the save offers today but it never came. I called and the first person asked why i was calling. Was put on hold for about 2 minutes and transfered to someone else. They asked why I was canceling. I told him , I don't watch TV anymore, and he said okay and said hold for about 2 minutes. He came back and explained the shipping procedures for returning my equipment. He thanked me and hung up.

From someone who works retail I was shocked I was not offered a save deal or just asked if Dish could do anything to prevent me from canceling.

With the current public perception of Dish you would think they would try to hold onto every customer

PS Good Luck with getting more HD soon on Dish, I almost thought about keeping Dish a little longer on Friday when I saw Battlestar Galactica in HD for the first time...
Congratulations! You're not worth saving. If you're looking for a deal next time, maybe ask instead of threatening to quit. I would love to shake that CSR's hand.
Congratulations! You're not worth saving. If you're looking for a deal next time, maybe ask instead of threatening to quit. I would love to shake that CSR's hand.

Wow you saw that as a threat? I saw it as he was surprised that they didn't try to save him.

If you noticed he was going to reject the save offers if they tried.

Reading comprehension is your friend.;)
"I told him , I don't watch TV anymore"

That's probably why their Retention Alert didn't trigger.
If you were switching to D*, or were unhappy with the HD selection, etc I bet it would have triggered one of the canned/scripted responses (like, "that HD channel you want is coming soon")

"I don't watch TV" is pretty final and incontestable!

Like if someone tries to sell you magazine subscriptions, you can just tell them you don't know how to read, and they will pretty leave you alone after that because it's obvious you have no use for their product and that's not gonna change.
Wow you saw that as a threat? I saw it as he was surprised that they didn't try to save him.

If you noticed he was going to reject the save offers if they tried.

Reading comprehension is your friend.;)

Congratulations! You're not worth saving. If you're looking for a deal next time, maybe ask instead of threatening to quit. I would love to shake that CSR's hand.

I agree, good luck with OTA. And didn't you know? There are no more deals! :D
Yea, mention price, Directv, programming selection or going to cable and they will try to save you.

If you say you don't watch TV there is little they can do, its almost like calling and saying your moving to an apartment that does not allow Dish.
Wow you saw that as a threat? I saw it as he was surprised that they didn't try to save him.

If you noticed he was going to reject the save offers if they tried.

Reading comprehension is your friend.;)

Yeah thanks for reading the post for Zero327...

And you are correct I like Dish just was surprised that didn't try at all to keep me. I guess I should of made another I canceled Dish ---> Dish Sucks---> threads.
the reason you gave them for leaving is exactly why they didnt fight to keep you,

years ago i cancelled D* this same way and they didnt do anything,months later i started getting little D post cards offering deals to come back,but the csr never tried to retian me
I wouldn't be complaining about that. XM made me jump through some dog and pony show hoops to disconnect 1 of 2 radios. I very nearly disconnected both because of that BS. Jeesus, it was one radio. Let it go!
I too think it's just the reason you gave them. I mean seriously, it's not like they thought they were losing you to someone else, you just didn't need a provider anymore is what you basically said.

What is funny to me is I signed back up with dish back in January after being disconnected about 18 months and they are still calling me trying to "win me back". Each time I tell them to stop calling and check their records cause I am already a customer... Although I did manage some sweet 12 month credits recently on my service cause I called and complained about their sales/winback dept constantly calling me about signing up again.
Plus he was only a 12 month customer. Thats still not making a profit off him if you believe the corp information dish puts out. There wasent much reason to try and keep him, especially if he doesnt watch tv.

On a side note, does every thread lately need to be about :
A: I called dish and threaten to quit because I want a deal
B: I called dish to quit because of HD I want right NOW
C: Dish sucks because they didnt break and give me a deal

Give it a rest already. If you feel the need to threaten to quit for a deal every week then do so and keep it to yourself.
I canceled dish today. Not because I was unhappy with Dish but because I am turning off all cable and going to a OTA/Media Center setup. I watch so little TV its hard to justify the cost.

Anyway I've been on a 250+ plan for 12 months and get a UFC payper view every month. I've never been late and never called much.

I was gearing up to reject the save offers today but it never came. I called and the first person asked why i was calling. Was put on hold for about 2 minutes and transfered to someone else. They asked why I was canceling. I told him , I don't watch TV anymore, and he said okay and said hold for about 2 minutes. He came back and explained the shipping procedures for returning my equipment. He thanked me and hung up.

From someone who works retail I was shocked I was not offered a save deal or just asked if Dish could do anything to prevent me from canceling.

With the current public perception of Dish you would think they would try to hold onto every customer

PS Good Luck with getting more HD soon on Dish, I almost thought about keeping Dish a little longer on Friday when I saw Battlestar Galactica in HD for the first time...


Once you get your boxes sent back and the dust settles, they will start calling you asking you to come back. You'll ask them to stop calling you and they will continue to call. When you tell them that you asked them to take you off their list and stop calling, they will say it takes up to 30 days to get your name off their list. You'll say "no, it doesn't take 30 days to take me off your list, stop calling now!" and they will stop calling you.

Been there, done that.

I too was totally surprised that they made no attempt at retaining me when I quit Dish in January. Sure, I listed off reasons I was leaving, but they just canceled me and did not try to retain me during my call to cancel. But they sure did try to get me back beginning about two weeks after my boxes were returned and they closed my account out.

Dish does it backwards. They do a lot of things backwards.

As a computer tech for a living I call companies all the time on behalf of my customers. Ever try to call and cancel AOL? Oh my God do they put up a fight in retention. It's like, "Dude, they have high speed from another provider, they do not need dial-up anymore. Switch them to the free AOL or cancel them, but stop charging their credit card." They will then try selling you on why dial up is what you need like they are stuck in 1993.

Dish at least has a product to sell (unlike AOL) and could try to save customers by explaining "we'll be adding x # of new HD nationals by the end of the year" or offer a promotion price. Nope, nothing! They are letting you slip away and THEN trying to get you back after the fact.

I get the impression Dish is trying to fail. They are in a self destructive state right now.
the reason you gave them for leaving is exactly why they didnt fight to keep you

I don't agree. A good retention department will try to convince you that you still need a car when you tell them you stopped driving. A good retention department will try to convince you that you still need a cell phone when you tell them you no longer have a need for a cell phone. A good retention department will tell you why you need a credit card in your wallet when you call to cancel and tell them you are now living on a cash basis. A good retention department will try to convince you that you still need satellite service when you tell them you no longer watch TV. It is just good retention on their part. Keeping people as customers longer. That is what a retention rep is paid for.

Why didn't they try to save me when I told them my main reason for leaving was lack of new HD? They didn't bother trying to tell me what they had coming (CNN,USA, SCI-FI, and anything else coming soon). Instead, they waited until I quit and the dust settled, and started hounding me to come back. The fact is, Dish is letting people go for all reasons, and then in a backward way they are trying to get them back after they are gone. Why not try to retain them during the cancellation call? This guy is 100% right about them making no retention attempts. It is not the reason he was leaving. They are not attempting to retain people for all reasons for leaving.

In college I was a telemarketer selling security systems. We had a rebuttle sheet for every excuse that we all memorized. "I have a dog, I don't need a security system." We'd respond in part with "Can your dog dial 911 in an emergency?" They'd say, "I have a gun." We'd say in part, "Is your gun going to wake you up in a fire or scare off a burgler when you are not at home?"

They should have a rebuttle for all excuses.
it's interesting that the after-the-fact calls are made. When I cancelled, they kept calling sometimes 3x a day. When I made the point that I requested for them not to call, the final CSR said that they have no record. When I went to visit the in-laws, they also cancelled as well, and they called 10x that day! I got on the phone and told them to stick thier service where the sun don't shine! that is unbelieveable! Now just because of that we may not go back to Dish down the road.

Chiller and Pensacola HD locals were just added


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