Can using two 1.2 c band dish with one lnb increase C/N by using waveguide fitting

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ok looking at the footprint and my location how big the dish should be.
No way to know or predict if and what size dish might receive out of footprint. Best to check local hobbyist to see if anyone has experience with receiving this satellite.

Beam pattern maps are typically a computer prediction/estimation rather than based on actual mapping, the directional pattern may have oddities and side lobes. Global coverage footprints have a much better chance of being received beyond the footprint. I recall a Tele Satellite article 8 - 10 year ago about a man in Brazil with a 8m reflector and super-cooled LNB receiving KU-band Austra/HotBird with European footprint.
What's behind out-of-footprint reception?
I know that person in Brazil (K. Schumacher) did have a webpage with great pictures and descriptions, but seems it's been gone for quite a while. Remember the dish was mostly homemade and most modifications were his own creation. Az/El mount, Cooled LNB's, remotely adjustable scalars and focal length...
What size dish is required? I'm going to guess: HUGE. Only because the contour lines suggest rapid drop off of signal in your direction. Looks like a better chance of OOF reception would be towards the South or south west of the footprint.
If you have a 1.2m, try it. If a 'no go' go bigger in 'stages' until success or it gets too big.
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