Can u watch the inauguration at work?

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The company I work for actually sent an email to all employees telling them not to watch it via streaming. I wouldn't watch it anyway, I have work to do.
It'll also be the most expensive inauguration in the nation's history.

$170 million. I would think half of that would be sufficient for a very nice party and let's feed and clothe some out-of-work people with the rest, hm?


Through all of the HYPE, most of America (and maybe the world) actually believe that this guy is the messiah. Funny how Nostradamus never mentioned him. :rolleyes:

Besides he's a politician like all others in Washington, except he has the excuse of not being in Washington that long.

With that said, I truly hope he does some good for this country, otherwise someday I won't be able to afford DISH. :(
It'll also be the most expensive inauguration in the nation's history.

$170 million. I would think half of that would be sufficient for a very nice party and let's feed and clothe some out-of-work people with the rest, hm?

Well let's see, more people will be at this inauguration that any in history. More security than any in history, more areas opened up to watch than any in history, more streets closed, more buses coming in...
In 2005, Bush's inauguration cost $42 million before you add in security and cleanup and all the sudden you are over $150 million...
Oh yeah, and Obama capped giving at $50,000 per person compared to the $250,000 per person Bush capped his giving and Clinton who capped at $100,000. I wonder who will still raise more money?!?!?!
Guys, lets please keep the discussion to whether you can watch the inauguration at work. Some of you are excited, some are not, but we do not allow political discussion on this site. So, keep it to the stated question.

Thank you.
political post

Imagine that your ethnic group (about 10% of the population) have been an important part of the country for over 200 years, but one of yours has never been the leader.

Add that part of the reason for that is that your group was enslaved for 100 years, and then second class citizens for another 100 years.

For that group, tomorrow means that for the first time, they feel that they are capable of doing anything that anyone else can do.

I heard an older black man comment that now the young black guys no longer have the excuse of not being able to accomplish something because they are black. And he said that they can't even use the excuse "but I don't have a father" because the President didn't have one either.

I think that too many people look at this in terms of Democrat/Republican, and don't undestand the potential tomorrow has for healing some very old wounds.
This was the post that sparked my reply. This one is just as political as mine was.
Please respectfully remove if you are gonna remove mine.
This was the post that sparked my reply. This one is just as political as mine was.
Please respectfully remove if you are gonna remove mine.

It is my discretion as to what I remove. Your post was ideological; that one is not.

Topic closed. There is no point to continuing it.
Please reply by conversation.

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