Can the Starband internet dish be used as a super dish?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Dec 15, 2003
Wyman, Kentucky, United States
I currently use a starband dish 24" x 36" (see attached picture) for my internet signal. It also has the mount to attach the dish 500 lnb for the dish network. I'm thinking that maybe I can use this dish as a super dish to receive local channels. I'm certified to install and setup starband systems. Click on picture for larger view.
Cliff said:
I currently use a starband dish 24" x 36" (see attached picture) for my internet signal. It also has the mount to attach the dish 500 lnb for the dish network. I'm thinking that maybe I can use this dish as a super dish to receive local channels. I'm certified to install and setup starband systems. Click on picture for larger view.

Used a StarBand dish, Eagle Aspen P270KU LNB and the StarBand Feed horn to get the 105 Sat, But have pulled it down since Dish changed their mind about HD on the 105 Sat. Unless you kill the StarBand Internet you will not be able to use the dish as a 'superdish' but if all you want are the 110 and 119 sats along with StarBand it will work fine if you mount the dish LNBF's on it. (Ran mine that way for a couple of years.)
WOW - great to know, I am not using the Internet piece anymore but still have SB on my roof.


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