CUSTOMER (customer's account must have been activated for the first time on or before November 1, 2002)
In consideration for receiving a free or reduced rate on a DISH Player-DVR satellite TV receiver, you agree to subscribe to AT50 (currently $24.99/mo.), DISH
Latino (currently $21.99/mo.), or a higher basic programming package for 24 consecutive months from the date of activation and enroll in Credit Card Auto-Pay
(CCA) (or you may pay DISH Network a one-time fee of $24.95 in lieu of CCA enrollment), between October 27, 2003 and January 31, 2004. An additional
monthly fee of $4.98 for Digital Video Recorder ("DVR") functionality applies to each DISH Player-DVR 510 receiver activated on your account unless you
subscribe to America's "Everything" Pak in which case there is no monthly fee. You agree that if within 12 months of activation you elect to terminate
or downgrade service below the minimum level of programming and the balance of monthly programming charges is not paid, a Cancellation
Fee of $240 will apply. If service is terminated or downgraded during months 13-24, and the balance of monthly programming charges is not
paid, a Cancellation Fee equal to the lesser of $240 or $25 per remaining month will apply. You further agree that such Cancellation Fees may
be charged to your Dish Network account or the credit or debit card number that you initially provided to Dish Network or to any other credit
card or debit card number of yours that you have provided to make payments to DISH Network through CCA or otherwise. If you do not submit
payment within the timeframe allowed on the DISH Network billing statement, you will be reported to credit agencies as determined appropriate by DISH
Network. Additionally, you authorize DISH Network to investigate the financial responsibility and credit worthiness (including, without limitation, acquiring credit
reports and histories). The customer or retailer shall be responsible for all applicable sales taxes. Hardware and programming sold separately. By signing
below, you acknowledge that the terms and conditions described above were disclosed to you prior to sale. All services are provided pursuant