can I run Glorystar...?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 4, 2006
Can I replace a DTV dish with one coax at the dish, and run a two-room Glorystar set up with two STBs, using the one coax and a swictch, or will each Glorystar box need it's own coax directly from the dish?

If I can, will each of the two rooms be able to watch independently, or would they be a mirror, if only onesupply coax from dish to a switch?

Basically trying to avoid running second line if possible?
If the cables you have are a "loop" system in the home; there is a way to loop out of the first glorystar receiver to the second; but the second recvr. only receives the satellite and polarity that the first receiver is tuned to. A loop system (old way of cabling of a home) runs one wire to the demarcation; and in each room a 2-way splitter or tap takes the signal to the room and then to the cable that goes to the second room, where it cont. on the same way to the next; etc. etc.

The dual receiver system from glorystar will work through a home run cabling of a home much better, however. A home run means all the cables in the home go to an outside or inside demarcation point (box). Then you run the two cables from the dish to a 2x4 or 3x4 or 4x4 or 5x4 SW in the box. Here, each receiver gets all the channels the dish is receiving.
you can mirror, but you will need a second cable for independent operation. You will need a dual feed LNB that has one output dedicated to each tv, or a switch as richyrich mentioned.

New non Glorystar question

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