Can I do this? 2 sat boxes off 1 cable line


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 22, 2004
Upstate NY
Can someone tell me if I can hookup 2 sat boxes (811 and 501 w/pvr) to my tv off 1 main satellite cable and not degrade the pic quality? Do you use an ordinary splitter of other (diplexor) Thanks in advance. BP
Every satellite receiver requires a seperate line to the LNB/Switch. The reson for this is that the line can not carry all of the satellite signals at the same time. Each receiver "talks" to the LNB/switch to tell it what signals it needs to see.

If you were to split the line between two receivers both receivers would try to "talk" to the LNB/Switch at the same time asking to see the signal they need. Since only one signal can be sent on the line only one of the receivers will get the signal it needs. The other will not get the signal it needs and thus not work at all, no picture, no sound. Unless they both happen to be looking for the same signal. But once either receiver tries to change to another signal someone is going to be looking at a blank screen.
But if someone was only going to use 1 at a time is it possible???? Im thinking of hooking my 501 up with my 811 because I cant stand not having a pvr.
How many receivers do you have? If you only have the 811 and 501, then you most likely have a Twin LNBF with ports for two cables. I am assuming you had the 501 hooked up in another room.? If so you could still have the 501 at the other TV and mirror it back to the 811 TV with diplexers. The UHF remote would work at both TVs. If it is not the case, is it possible for you to get another RG6 line to the TV with the 811? Need more info on how many total receivers you have and what type of LNBF.
I have a total of 2 recievers 811 and 501. Dual lnb dish. All I want to do is use one or the other not both at the same time. Also if I did split the signal, would it degrade it? Thanks

You don't have to be watching anything on the 501 for it to be in use. Are you sure there will never be a case when you (or someone else in your home) would want to watch a program on your 811 while the 501 is recording a different program? If there is you will have a conflict and one or the other won't work. I strongly recommend setting up your system properly with a separate line to each of your receivers.

That being said, if you insist on splitting the line to two receivers you will degrade the signal (-3db for each split if I recall correctly). The picture quality would not be affected but you will increase your susceptibility to rain fade.
As long as both aren't on at the same time its fine, your situation is different from his because sounds like you have a reciever that you take from one room to another whenever you want to watch, yeah thats fine. Just going to have major issues if it is installed under the impression that it is for 2 rooms.
Having both boxes on the same sat feed at the same time will lead to NOTHING but trouble. If you insist on proceeding, you will have to plug/unplug the boxes depending on which one you want to use.

Even when "off" the receivers are driving the line, ad may at any time decide to use it - guide & software downloads for example. It's just going to drive you nuts.

You say you have a "dual LNB" setup. If you actually mean you have a pair of LNBs, that means you've got a SW-21 in the line. Look for it.

If you have a pair of Dual LNBs, then you can add a few cables and another SW-21 to git-r-done.

LNB layout Definitions:
Single: One eye, one output jack.
Dual: One eye, two output jacks.
Twin: Two eyes, two output jacks.
Quad: Two eyes, four output jacks.
The only safe way to do this is to only have one receiver physically attached to the line at any time. Put a of the "quick-connect" plug on the sat cable, at least it will be easier to move.
Couldn't his dilemma be solved by the new DishProPlus technology? From looking at the retailer channel the "it takes 3" rule can apply if...He changes his LNBF to a DishProPlus head, Hooked up to a DIshProPlus44, then split with the DishProPlus separator. Now I know that there is little to no availabilty for a DishProPlus LNBF, but he could prepare for it. Secondly, I do understand that the lead used to arrange this setup cannot be powered to the DP+44 switch and another has to be provided.
Sorry, techdood, no joy.

The DPP Separator is ONLY for dual-tuner boxes.
Apparently, it only allows for one command path, therefore only one box.

Just to be totally uselessly horribly ridiculously silly, If you had a x2x box where you weren't using the second tuner, along with a single tuner box that could respond to the same UHF remote, I suppose you could split the Separator's #2 port using a DC-blocking 2.2GHz splitter. Then set the UHF remote addresses for the dual-tuner's TV2 and the single tuner box to be the same. This would have both boxes change channels at the same time, and the "slave" box would see what it needed to, even though it wasn't controlling it. You'd have to reconfigure everything whenever you had to run a Check Switch though. And of course, it would only work for even transponders. Like I said, a stupid ridiculous idea that might be fun for some mad scientist type to try just for s'n'g, but totally impractical to actually use.
OK thanks. I can visualize that "one command path" thing. Since the tuners are incorporated into one box, the Plus's switching can easily be disciplined to match what block range and from what bird the signal comes from and the path it takes.
Heh, I guess dishnet only had the mind to make dual tuner run off a single coax to follow trends applied to new houses. So many switches, splitters, little lines.

811 audio out problem

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