Cablevision meeting .....usually 'normal'..

Yep, that would be a great alternative.......Lets hope that in the very least that would happen.
salsadancer7 said:
Truggy....I am still hoping for that home run in the bottom of the 9th to save us......

This game is over so there isn't a 9th inning left.

But that doesn't mean another game will not begin one day.
I would have no problems with having to wait for about 6 months for a well advertised, well established, more-than-15-channel hd dbs/cable company...whether it be here, Canada or South America! Like I had mentioned weeks ago, I thought SOMETHING meaningful would come out of this meeting. Initially, it was WAY too hush-hush about what was discussed on the, slowly info is starting to come out. I still think there is alot of information still being kept from the public. I am crossing my fingers, toes and anything else I can cross.
Are the trolls happy

I wonder if the trolls are happy. They finally killed voom, they were like cancer always complaining about pic quality, channel programming etc. Now that the cancer has eatan the body, i hope they are thrilled. Had it not been for so much negativity on these forum boards, maybe more HD viewere would have signed on to voom, and had there been 200,000 subscribers voom would have been around today. What are they going to complain about, 7 Adelphia HD channels in Santa MOnica, 8 HD Dish channels, i don't even know what to get, i am so depressed. HD has been dealt a severe blow. Direct Tv only plans to add national networks in next satellite launch, maybe more channels next year, they have NO capacity to add voom 21. Verizons service is still just optical internet, nothin in HD yet. We will have to wait 1 year at least.

I have kept myself happy buying an upconverting HD dvd player, Denon 1910 which upconverts to 1080i, it is like having my own movie channel, and then i renewed my movie pass to blockbuster.
calikarim said:
I have kept myself happy buying an upconverting HD dvd player, Denon 1910 which upconverts to 1080i, it is like having my own movie channel, and then i renewed my movie pass to blockbuster.

I have the same DVD deal out there, and the picture IS awesum!
calikarim said:
I wonder if the trolls are happy. They finally killed voom, they were like cancer always complaining about pic quality, channel programming etc....
Fool. Trolls didn't kill VOOM. VOOM crashed to earth from it's own pratfalls.
riffjim4069 said:
It's too bad VOOM didn't lauch right now with their current channel lineup, Rainbow-1 and Rainbow-2 fully operational, plus RSNs and the DVR....woulda...shoulda...coulda...
I totally agree. So many of those issues could have been avoided from the start.
calikarim said:
Had it not been for so much negativity on these forum boards, maybe more HD viewere would have signed on to voom, and had there been 200,000 subscribers voom would have been around today.
A big if, but I believe it would be highly conceited to assume that the members of any internet forum have that much pull. There has been much more negative said about E* in their various forums and they seem to be doing fine.

Don't blame the trolls for being negative. Don't blame the Voomers for not being positive enough. Blame those within Cablevision that allowed Voom to bleed and die for 11 months. Blame those within Cablevision that almost didn't get Voom launched in 2003. Blame the cancer withing Cablevision.


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