Cablevision Chairman To Use Cash, Stock To Fund Voom

Financing for the purchase of VOOM operations is in place. We're optimistic that we will be able to work out an arrangement that meets the needs of all the parties involved.

Ahhh... A breath of fresh air. Thanks! I needed that!

What will the trolls say when financing comes in place

The Dolans are Billionaries and their friends are billionaires.. Billion with a B. Most of these guys are in the late sixties and seventies, for them to drop a couple of hundred million dollars, is a drop in the bucket. When they die that pay 45% to the government in estate taxes. So figure , isn't it better to finance a hot shot project, a diamond like voom and create a legacy, the next microsoft or starbucks. These guys have egos and want to leave something behind . We are entering the spring of HD, HD Blue Ray, Blue ray disc readers in computers, HD is taking off everywhere. My gardner has a HD set and was interested in voom when he saw it. Witness the proliferation of upscaling dvd hd players , which are not even HD but upconvert. The HD hunger is insatiable. voom will feed it.

Voom will be financed for sure by the end of the month, if Dolan didn't believe that he wouldn't be putting millions of his own dollars and risk alienating his son , the board and the SEC. He must know something the trolls don't

What wil the trolls say when voom gets financing and continues in April and is reborn?
calikarim said:
The Dolans are Billionaries and their friends are billionaires.. Billion with a B. Most of these guys are in the late sixties and seventies, for them to drop a couple of hundred million dollars, is a drop in the bucket. When they die that pay 45% to the government in estate taxes. So figure , isn't it better to finance a hot shot project, a diamond like voom and create a legacy, the next microsoft or starbucks. These guys have egos and want to leave something behind . We are entering the spring of HD, HD Blue Ray, Blue ray disc readers in computers, HD is taking off everywhere. My gardner has a HD set and was interested in voom when he saw it. Witness the proliferation of upscaling dvd hd players , which are not even HD but upconvert. The HD hunger is insatiable. voom will feed it.

Voom will be financed for sure by the end of the month, if Dolan didn't believe that he wouldn't be putting millions of his own dollars and risk alienating his son , the board and the SEC. He must know something the trolls don't

What wil the trolls say when voom gets financing and continues in April and is reborn?

Probably that it will go down April 30 then May 30 etc. Once a troll ( most were born negative and will die negative) always a troll. Never have been able to figure out how people stand them in real life. :confused:
justalurker said:
That statement has yet to be proven true.


JL, Wouldn't that go for any statement that that has been quoted and used on this forum? Other than it comes from a reliable reporter/publication, thats the only proof that we're ever offered.
What do you mean it has yet to be proven true? Are you saying Chuck is lying about having funding in place?
CAN you read?

Gee... I must have been "smoking" something when I read this:
I can't read!!?? Money was never the problem!!?? REALLY, I'd LOVE what you're smoking. Money is ABSOLUTELY the problem. Remember, CVC decided they didn't want to fund Voom any longer. Hmm, that sounds like they don't have the MONEY any longer.
Yes, you were smoking because, and you can read it again, I never said people didn't HAVE the money, rather, people have NOT been willing to invest it in Voom. It's never been a question of someone having or not having money. It's always been a question of whether they'll actually invest it in Voom to keep it going.

Actually, the press is not speculating *IF* Chuck Dolan can fund Voom, they are speculating about *HOW* he will do that. That speculation is centered around the tnotion of whether he is going to sell his CVC shares, or obtain the funding from an outside source.
Nobody has said anything about Dolan NOT having enough money to fund Voom. It's been (and still is) a question of whether he actually will take his own funds and do it. He has not (as of yet) done so other than $10million to keep them going until the end of the month (more or less). So until there is an official announcement of this happening they do not officially have funding in place...

****NOW**** onto the "having no facts to back this up." Well, lets forget for a moment that I am one of a few people on this forum to actually know one of the key CVC players in this situation, let's just suffice to satisfy you with a direct quote from Chuck and Tom to his emplyees in an internal memo:

Financing for the purchase of VOOM operations is in place. We're optimistic that we will be able to work out an arrangement that meets the needs of all the parties involved.

So could you please play nice... Some of us actually know what we are talking about.
Ohhhh, you're one of THOSE people, you know, the many who post around here saying they know something or someone we don't know so you know more than all of us. Not saying it's not true but we've all seen enough posts like these from people like you claiming to KNOW something. Until there is an official announcement your comments about KNOWING a KEY player in CVC mean absolutely nothing.

And the quote from that internal memo is waaay old. I remember it. I also know there have been other announcements released to the public which have indicated they have not obtained funding as of yet. Again, show me actual proof this has happened. Not some, "internal memo," to the employees. That means less than much of the info which has been posted around here as of late.

Let me spell this out for you since you can't seem to understand what I've been saying. I have said, and continue to say, Voom has not announced they have funding in place (officially). Until they do, in the eyes of the more reasonable people in the public, they do NOT have funding in place. I have not (and will not) say nobody has the money to fund them. Of course Dolan could do it himself. Of course Malone could make this happen. Of course CVC could continue to fund them. Of course any number of people have the money to fund them but nobody has stepped up and done so. Until there is information out there (not an, "internal memo") the public will see them as not having funding.

In fact, I have not even said they will not obtain funding. I have said I have my doubts whether someone will step up and fund them. We can agree to disagree on this point and time will prove one side right and one side wrong. I hope they get the funding (hmm, think I've said this many times) but it's not going to be easy. It HASN'T been easy.

The Dolans are Billionaries and their friends are billionaires.. Billion with a B. Most of these guys are in the late sixties and seventies, for them to drop a couple of hundred million dollars, is a drop in the bucket. When they die that pay 45% to the government in estate taxes. So figure , isn't it better to finance a hot shot project, a diamond like voom and create a legacy, the next microsoft or starbucks.
Yup, it would make sense for them to fund it if they REALLY believe in it. However, they have not (as of yet) done so.

Voom will be financed for sure by the end of the month, if Dolan didn't believe that he wouldn't be putting millions of his own dollars and risk alienating his son , the board and the SEC. He must know something the trolls don't
We've heard this over and over. Haven't seen it financed yet. And of course he knows a LOT more than all of us. Everything we're discussing here is pure speculation.

The Rickster
Show me ONE release from Cablevision or the Dolans saying the funding wasn't in place. mod edit

CVC has no interest in continuing to fund Voom. It is Charles and Tom Dolan who have express interest in running it as a PRIVATE company. They have announced they have the funding. They are negotiating with CVC the severing of assets and liabilites. mod edit

It doesn't matter WHERE the money is coming from, but it is in place... The problems lie in extracting Voom from Cablevision-- and doing so in a way that would allow both FCC and SEC approval.
r.jones1116 said:
JL, Wouldn't that go for any statement that that has been quoted and used on this forum? Other than it comes from a reliable reporter/publication, thats the only proof that we're ever offered.
Do you know the source? Sounds like you don't. It was from an internal memo sent Feb 28th to people working for Voom by Tom Dolan. That entire memo should be read in context. C & T Dolan said they would buy Voom and sign a definitive agreement by Feb 28th. They failed to sign that agreement and instead wrote their only press release and an internal memo. And nearly three weeks later there still is no definitive agreement. That memo was pure PR, which is often a polite abreviation for bull droppings.
niceprophet said:
What do you mean it has yet to be proven true? Are you saying Chuck is lying about having funding in place?
I believe it was a forward looking statement that quite possibly stretched the truth. If that is a lie then you have said the word, not I.

BTW: Please don't call people idiots just because you don't understand them.

Good point but...

Show me ONE release from Cablevision or the Dolans saying the funding wasn't in place.
There are no posts saying the funding is not (officially) in place. Why would they say this? If they did, they risk losing subs and potential investors. So, although I can't say you are incorrect in what you're trying to say here, I say, it really doesn't matter. Show me a press release which says the funding IS in place and who is providing it. When people obtain funding for these kinds of things they're VERY proud of it (I've been involved in this). They want everyone to know they've got it and, many times, they want you to know WHERE they got it from. I've not seen this from them.

It doesn't matter WHERE the money is coming from, but it is in place... The problems lie in extracting Voom from Cablevision-- and doing so in a way that would allow both FCC and SEC approval.
You are correct in saying it doesn't really matter where the funding would come from. However, how can you say it is in place since they keep saying (without actually saying it) they don't have funding in place. When someone is saying things like, "investigating options for funding," or, "discussing funding options," that tells me (and everyone else) they don't have the money in place.

And why do you feel extracting Voom from CVC will be a problem with CVC??? CVC can't WAIT to get rid of Voom (whether they're right or wrong). I don't see them holding it up in any way. And why would the FCC hold it up. It's been discussed to death how the FCC wants a 3rd DBS provider in the game. If they didn't allow this to happen they'd be going against what they've been wanting for years. Not sure I follow the logic there.

Now, I'm not saying a deal of this size doesn't take some time. I'm not saying there aren't a lot of details which would need to be worked out. However, money is--and will continue to be--the most important detail to work out in this deal. Where is it coming from? When is it coming. And, more importantly, is it actually coming?

The Rickster
"investigating options for funding," or, "discussing funding options," tells me that alternatives to hard cash might be a factor. i.e stock options, how the payments will be rendered and timetables for the payment. It could mean any number of things other than funding doesn't exist at all.
Gadget Rick still won't read so don't even try showing him again the official public statements by the Dolan's that funding is in place. He just can't believe what his eyes tell him. However, the issue really is how do the Dolan's either find a way to continue to use R1 or get enough time to move everything to R2 and update all subs. Now that will take time and could be a deal breaker even if the financing is in place.
GadgetRick said:
And why do you feel extracting Voom from CVC will be a problem with CVC??? CVC can't WAIT to get rid of Voom (whether they're right or wrong). I don't see them holding it up in any way. And why would the FCC hold it up. It's been discussed to death how the FCC wants a 3rd DBS provider in the game. If they didn't allow this to happen they'd be going against what they've been wanting for years. Not sure I follow the logic there.

Why? Because Cablevision and Voom share the following: Managment, Equipment, Infrastructure, Employee Resources, Facilities, IS, Contracts, Liabilities.

You can't extract Voom from Cablevision like you're taking a box of cereal out of a pantry. There are buildings that are shared, personnel who work for both companies, equipment that is dual-purposed, contracts which are used by Voom and cablevision.

This is the hang up, not money. You can believe what you want. You can THINK you know what you were talking about. But you are wrong. Chuck isn't trying to buy Voom from CVC, he's trying to extract it... It is actually likely that (in the scheme of things) very little money will change hands from Chuck to CVC.

You may think that I'm one of those head-in-the-clouds optimists. But I'm not... I'm actually very skeptical that this can be pulled off. But PLEASE, can you get it out of your mind that this is about MONEY. It's not.

Why would the FCC have a problem? Because Cablevision holds the broadcasting licenses... You can't just reassign them at your leisure or on a whim. Just like E* needs FCC approval for the sale, a new company called "Voom HD LLC" would need FCC approval.

"investigating options for funding," or, "discussing funding options," tells me that alternatives to hard cash might be a factor. i.e stock options, how the payments will be rendered and timetables for the payment. It could mean any number of things other than funding doesn't exist at all.
You are correct in saying it could mean anything but, in essence, it means the funding is not officially in place....period. If it were in place they would announce it as being in place. Could they be close? Sure. But, as many friends have told me in the past, close only counts in horsehoes and hand grenades. Close doesn't mean it's in place.

Gadget Rick still won't read so don't even try showing him again the official public statements by the Dolan's that funding is in place. He just can't believe what his eyes tell him. However, the issue really is how do the Dolan's either find a way to continue to use R1 or get enough time to move everything to R2 and update all subs. Now that will take time and could be a deal breaker even if the financing is in place.
I will read. Show me where (besides an internal memo) where it says the funding is officially in place. Please, show me. You can't because it's not there. Again, an internal memo means nothing--especially when it's been trumped by official press releases indicating funding is NOT secured yet. Show me where it's official and I'll be happy to say I was wrong. Of course, they could always obtain funding in the future. Never said they couldn't.

And you are also correct in saying moving subs over to the other satellite will be quite a challenge. They'll need to (apparently) upgrade everyone's dish and do everything on the back end to get it going on that satellite. That's not going to be easy either. However, given the proper funding (i.e. MONEY) they can pull that off.

The Rickster
You are also making a huge blunder in assuming they would "announce" their source of funding before a deal is done... Companies almost NEVER reveal these details while deal negotiations are ongoing.
GadgetRick said:
I will read. Show me where (besides an internal memo) where it says the funding is officially in place. Please, show me. You can't because it's not there. Again, an internal memo means nothing--especially when it's been trumped by official press releases indicating funding is NOT secured yet. Show me where it's official and I'll be happy to say I was wrong. Of course, they could always obtain funding in the future. Never said they couldn't.

Rick!!! There is NO official press release indicating funding is NOT secured yet. Please stop making things up.

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