I've got Comcast in North Ridgeville, OH and my quality is excellent. I don't pay anything extra for HD than I do for digital cable. I always had Digital Plus, and when I added HD, they set my up with a nice Motorola HD box and HD programing with NO INCREASE in monthly cost. No box rental fee. No HD Programing fee. Not too bad, huh? Now, I don't have 37 HD channels, I have ESPN, Disc, INHD, INHD2, ABC, NBC, FOX, and the movie channels that you have to subscribe to seperately. I know, I know its not a huge number of channels, but INHD and INHD2 are amazing channels that supply very diverse content from eye candy-type stuff to sports to movies to IMAX...very good channels, indeed. Just something for you all to consider as a backup if your VOOM gets terminated. And, the price break that I get for being a cable tv subscriber is nice. With taxes included, I pay right at $100/month for Digital cable with HD package and High Speed cable internet. That's decent.seandudley said:I don't know what I'll do. Can't get good quality HD picture from E* or D*.. Maybe my local cable co? I don't know how their HD quality is. I sure hope Voom somehow makes it!
SeattleVoomer1 said:Sorry, Sean, but, I believe, Darrell is correct:
"major showdown in the family that controls the Cablevision Systems Corporation ended yesterday with the son outmaneuvering the father and persuading directors to vote to put the company's troubled satellite business up for sale."
Sorry to say.
Watching HDTV with fingers crossed in record high (60 with 64 predicted) temps in Seattle, Gill
MrPorterhouse said:I've got Comcast in North Ridgeville, OH and my quality is excellent....
Ummm, Yes...Have it. Love it.GreatMac said:Ummm, No.... Been there. Tried it when I was exploring HD alternatives. Cable has much higher compression than Voom, and it looks like crap on my plasma, and even on my 30" LCD. It is also noticeably worse than Dish (and Dish is worse than Voom). If you like what you see from Comcast, you either need a new prescription, or you have never seen Voom....
I'd suggest you try Voom. It is only a buck. You'll never want to go back.
bdemz said:I am a Dish sub.
How is Voom offering a better product? More HD yes but how is it better?