Cable STB - No HDMI !!!

I gather you are also a BHN-connected person. Am I wrong?
Along with the rest of your ramblings...yes, you are wrong...

And, incidentally, YOU seem to be the one who knows everything. I have already admitted I do not--because clearly I did not know that an HD box would be delivered without an HDMI connector. SO my stupidity is readily evident.
Well thats a given;)...So you are saying that you didn't know that you had a HDMI capable set??? C'mon kid...Accept some responsibility in your life...You KNEW what you needed and only ASSumed that BHN would automatically know what you specifically were requesting even though you didn't bother to request it...All it takes is learning how to speak correctly and intelligently and you'll be amazed at what you will get for your efforts...

And you are wrong about the box I got putting me on a different tier, but I don't want to take the time to explain to you just why that is. Besides, you already know, because you know everything.
No...YOU are your ASSumption concerning this...You ARE on a different tier regardless if you are being charged for the change or not...:rolleyes:

You have ALOT of growing up and maturing to do...
OIC. Thanks for the help. Blame the stupid customer for not realizing you had better say the precise words.

I could imagine a conversation like this:
"I need an HD cable box."
"Do you need an HDMI port or will component be OK?
"I need HDMI."

But Noooooooo. Let's not have a sensible conversation to define the precise needs. Let's just ask no questions, write down the order, and the stupid customer WHO OUGHT TO KNOW IN HIS HEAD ALL THE DETAILS ABOUT OUR PLANS AND EQUIPMENT will get whatever he gets. Won't that be fun!

I gather you are also a BHN-connected person. Am I wrong?

And, incidentally, YOU seem to be the one who knows everything. I have already admitted I do not--because clearly I did not know that an HD box would be delivered without an HDMI connector. SO my stupidity is readily evident. I guess next time I need to order something, I will try to get myself first scheduled through all of the BHN trainings so I will be sure to know EXACTLY everything I need to say to the order taker.

Have a nice day thou who knowest all. You represent BHN well.

And you are wrong about the box I got putting me on a different tier, but I don't want to take the time to explain to you just why that is. Besides, you already know, because you know everything.

When I goto BK to order a burger I tell them exactly what I want on it.. Thats for only a 1$ burger.. If I was ordering a 100$ a month cable package id make even more sure they knew exactly what I wanted.

Your blaming BHN for not knowing exactly what you wanted when you didnt even tell them what it was, I guess next time I order a burger and they put onions on it but I didnt tell them no onions I guess I should get mad at them to...

You asked for an HD box, you got one. 90%(maybe more) of customers who order an HD box have no idea nor do they care how its hooked up. You are in the minority in that you are a "techie" if you will when it comes to your TV. Most do not know anything more then what the guy at BestBuy tells them, which is why they spend 200$ on "Monster Cables" That they dont need because the cable company will provide the cables free. (cant tell you how many customers Ive had take the cables back because of the waste, I bet bestbuy loves me)

So BHN has to work and focus on the majority. The small minority who are "tech savvy" and want something specific, will request it. If you are going to be picky make sure the company knows what it is you want before they send a tech out. Otherwise dont be mad when they cant meet your demands.
It all comes back to the installer and not being prepared...

The above statement pissed me off so bad, I actually had to walk away from the computer before posting. Back in the day, I used to be an installer. I have since worked my way up from that position. Let me just say a technician can only be as prepared as the notes that are written in the comment box on the work order from the person taking the order. PERIOD.

Which BTW, just to add MORE information, it might not have mattered if he requested HDMI because honestly right now the Melbourne warehouse is currently OUT of HDMI capable boxes but have plenty of DVI boxes and can use the converter cable.

All in all the BLAME does NOT fall on the contractor/installer. He's only as good as the notes that are put on the work order PERIOD. The FAULT is the CSRs. (CSR = Customer Service Rep). And honestly, I can most of the time BLAME the supervisor of the CSR that took his phone call for not having the most up to date "question cards". I am sure that some CSRs are not following the cards and asking the proper questions. Blaming the installer is WRONG! PERIOD.

"I need an HD cable box."
"Do you need an HDMI port or will component be OK?
"I need HDMI."

Since the CSR did not ask the question, it should have sent up a little flag in your brain at the time of the call to politely ask "Can you put notes on the work order to please bring an HDMI capable box?"

I guess next time I need to order something, I will try to get myself first scheduled through all of the BHN trainings so I will be sure to know EXACTLY everything I need to say to the order taker.

No need to do all that. Honestly, Ive answered every question you have had in here with sincerity and have OFFERED back in the day to come out and RE-WIRE your entire house for free. Should have taken me up on that offer then, I couldn't pull that off now if I wanted to. Anyways, next time you want to make a change, come in and ask questions.

I'll answer them the best of my ability as always and offer advice. We could have actually saved 2 1/2 pages of finger pointing had you came in and asked, "Hey im thinking of upgrading to an HD box, any advice?"

Personally, I would have told you to wait a week or 2. The boxes they have in stock and are handing out to the contractors dont have have the HDMI port, but do have DVI and RCA. However, I do know that the front desk in Melbourne does have them. But I already explained why that is.

Oh, and to add to a statement about the differences between RCA/DVI/HDMI, I can see the diffference between RCA and HDMI. I cannot see the difference between DVI and HDMI though.
The above statement pissed me off so bad, I actually had to walk away from the computer before posting. Back in the day, I used to be an installer. I have since worked my way up from that position. Let me just say a technician can only be as prepared as the notes that are written in the comment box on the work order from the person taking the order. PERIOD.
To a degree you are right. But the funny thing is that first off you got so angry you had to get away from the computer after reading what I wrote. You have some serious issues you need to have addressed if you are telling the truth.

If you were pissed before you are going to go ballistic reading whats next. As far as only being prepared as the notes is a basic cop out that just goes to show that nobody is willing to accept the responsibility of ones own actions and must blame someone else other than themselves. I installed CATV for the first 7 years of my 27+ year career in the industry. I always had everything neccessary on my truck to handle any situation that could arise. Being prepared is not hard to do but does require some effort on the installers part.
Which BTW, just to add MORE information, it might not have mattered if he requested HDMI because honestly right now the Melbourne warehouse is currently OUT of HDMI capable boxes but have plenty of DVI boxes and can use the converter cable.
What is the point you are trying to make here? Using a DVI > HDMI cable or adaptor still does nothing more than component does and that is what pissed the OP off.

All in all the BLAME does NOT fall on the contractor/installer. He's only as good as the notes that are put on the work order PERIOD.
ALready explained why this kind of remark is FUD above.
The FAULT is the CSRs. (CSR = Customer Service Rep). And honestly, I can most of the time BLAME the supervisor of the CSR that took his phone call for not having the most up to date "question cards". I am sure that some CSRs are not following the cards and asking the proper questions. Blaming the installer is WRONG! PERIOD.
Here we go with having to blame someone else instead of accepting the fact the installer was unprepared. It is easier to play the blame game than it is to make sure one is prepared. Attitudes like yours is what helped put this industry in the crapper.

No need to do all that. Honestly, Ive answered every question you have had in here with sincerity and have OFFERED back in the day to come out and RE-WIRE your entire house for free. Should have taken me up on that offer then, I couldn't pull that off now if I wanted to. Anyways, next time you want to make a change, come in and ask questions.

I'll answer them the best of my ability as always and offer advice. We could have actually saved 2 1/2 pages of finger pointing had you came in and asked, "Hey im thinking of upgrading to an HD box, any advice?"

Personally, I would have told you to wait a week or 2. The boxes they have in stock and are handing out to the contractors dont have have the HDMI port, but do have DVI and RCA. However, I do know that the front desk in Melbourne does have them. But I already explained why that is.
Wait a minute. So YOU are the installer? I thought you said you "worked your way up"? What? You mean in the past few days?:rolleyes:

Oh, and to add to a statement about the differences between RCA/DVI/HDMI, I can see the diffference between RCA and HDMI. I cannot see the difference between DVI and HDMI though.
This statement in and of itself proves you don't really have a clue.

Not stooping to a level of thinking that BHN does no wrong. I work directly for BHN and I know they do alot of wrong. I also know that the bashing of contractors needs to come to an end. It's quite sad that alot of employees of BHN (not all but alot) think they do no wrong, and the blame is ultimately the contractors. I can only do so much to change that attitude, but sadly there are some that will never change. It's usually the ones that were never contractors for bhn (or before the split twc).

To get back on topic, Jcarra have you gotten the new box yet?
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My post of 7-27 describes the process of trip to office for new box. Yes, there I got one with HDMI on it.

And I am done with this topic. It's been fun seeing how critical someone can be towards someone else who has a different opinion than them--theirs being the "correct" opinion of course. So whoever wishes has free rein to slap me down once more if you wish.
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