So, after weeks of working on "The Project", I finally got things buttoned down and operating well.
The following is my setup:
GT Media V7 Pro STB - USALS mode
8X1 Satellite Multi Switch 8x1 DiSEqC 1.1
C-BAND: 120cm GeoSatPro Offset, Titanium C1W-PLL LNBF with conical scaler (and Pyrex bowl cover to protect from water), Technomate TM-2300M3 HH Motor
Ku-BAND: DirecTV Dish, Turbot Full HD KU Quad Universal LNB, Rotor Sat HH90
After reading several experienced user threads, I decided to be methodical, and for both dishes aimed for the most southern bird, at 181 AZ, Mex 6 (@113). What I figured out was that using USALS is not 100% on spot so I adjusted the bird's AZ by a 1/10 to 1deg until I got highest signal and quality. I then worked on all easterly birds then the western ones. Right now I have 11 birds locked in (11 on C & 10 on Ku).
I've also marked the motor and pole, because get some good wind gusts, to keep an eye on any "movement" so it will be easier to re-align if it does shift.
Really wanna thank those of ya offering your sound advice: cyberham, TRG, mr3p, a33 and Titanium and FTA4PA.