C band install

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 17, 2005
N.E. Ohio
I got lucky last time with the bud i got. Pole came out of the ground brought it home. Threw some new cement around it and adjusted the elevation and it was good to go. Now i'm going from a 6' to a 8'. Sadly the pole i got with it had to be cut off and its now only 7'. So the question is what is the minimum distance from the bottom of the dish to the ground. i would rather not lose part of the arc because it hits the ground. Thanks!
...Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, and Owen Lovejoy were traveling in a stage coach on their way to attend Court at Bloomington, Illinois. Douglas had a very long body and very short legs, being only five feet high; Lovejoy had a short body, and long legs proportionately, and all know Lincoln's build. Douglas "chaffed" Lovejoy about his long legs and ''pot belly" and Lovejoy retorted as to his very short legs, etc. One of them asked Lincoln: "How long should a man's legs be in proportion to his body?" and Lincoln replied: "I have not given the matter much consideration, but on first blush I should judge they ought to be long enough to reach from his body to the ground."


As far as mechanical range is concerned, you got plenty, since you can point an 8' dish horizontal if its pivot is just 4 feet above the ground. Of course, in Ohio, you would like some snow clearance, but realistically, you aren't likely to put in a new mast to increase your zero-elevation snow clearance height from three feet to four.

From the middle of continental United States, you don't need to be able to aim as low on the arc as you would from one coast or the other, since, beyond a certain point in the arc, the satellites "out there" are beaming away from the United States. Someone here surely can tell you the eastern-most and western-most satellites that beam towards North America, and from that information, you can readily calculate just how low in the arc you will ever be aiming your dish.
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My dish is 9' and I think that the pole is only 6 or 7', I'll measure it tomorrow if I can remember to do it. I track the arc from 60 W to 125 W and at either end the edge of the dish seems to be three or four feet above the ground. Mine has a HH mount/motor, so it may be different if yours is a polar mount. What brand/model is your dish?
So, what was your dish/ground clearance with the 6ft dish when it was 'all the way over'? What was the clearance when at the end of the arc(Actuator at max retracted or extended)?
How far above ground level was the top of that pole for the 6 ft dish?
So the question remains: is 7 ft of pipe enough to mount an 8 ft dish?
Answering the questions above should reveal enough information to deduce how far above ground the top of the pole for the 8 ft dish should be. (Add 1 ft to account for the 8 ft dish radius[3ft for 6ft dish, 4 ft for the 8ft dish]) As for the remaining length of pipe underground in cement. Is there enough to place the bottom of the pipe and cement below the frost line? If not, it's too short.
FWIW: My 10 ft dishes pole top is at 5.5 ft above ground and dish is around 2 ft off the ground.
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Its a winegard 7.5'. I think i might just dig down 3' ish and put part of the mesh on and swing it right and left and see where im at.
Its a winegard 7.5'. I think i might just dig down 3' ish and put part of the mesh on and swing it right and left and see where im at.

That would probably be the best way to be sure about it. FWIW, I just measured the mounting pole of mine and it's 6' above ground.
9 ft above ground vs. 5 ft above ground

Both C band dishes are 7.5 ft diameter. The one in the foreground is 5ft above ground and the one in the background is 9ft above ground. I ride my mower under the back one easily, however the one in front is a pain in the neck.. I think they are both pointed at 101W. I'm at 37N. Latitude so you see how they sit.


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Post is cemented in and it appears i have a few feet from the botom of the dish to the ground swinging both ways. Im gonna call it a win. Now all i have to do is get it lined up and im in business. Thanks everyone for the help.
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C Band Polarity Motor

APTN Anik 107
