Holy sh*t guys

I just killed myself along with 2 other family members out in the cold 40 degrees rain here in Kentucky
it paid off

, I got the Dish home, one edge of a mesh panel has popped out from underneath the rib(easy fix)
I found one hole in the mesh around the size of a M and M candy, about 2 foot out from the center
and OMG, this thing is a friggin 12 footer, massive-heavy beast and in perfect shape
a pencil doesn't come close to going thru the mesh holes

the neighbor said he hasn't used it in 15 years, it is a 12 foot "Janiel Dark Star", mesh and fiberglass/plastic, seems to be in perfect shape, polar mount is really rusty and the actuator is old, so I will prolly get a new one of those
it has 3 elastic guy wires and the Dish is very very close to being perfectly true, it is just a little warped, which I can striaghten out
I am in C-Band heaven, 4DTV here I come, untouched HDTV

here is a pic of my new baby
now time to order up a 920 with R5000-HD modification