C Band 6 Foot

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Just got the Nets!

Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good!:)

I was having trouble locating another bird (found one unknown bird to the east of G4-just a test pattern on 14 H) so I decided to run a line to my switch and take the uniden in the house for today. I figured I better try and peak the signal as best I could so I read Iceberg's C Band thread and adjusted the LNB as close to what he had as I could get.

Went in the house and setup G4 for C Band on the Fortec, ran a blind scan and got several C Band digital channels! The nets are only 33-40 quality but seem to be holding!

Love C Band-now I want motorized!!
congrats on the nets.

Yes they seem to hold even at low signal. Try and push the LNB in farther (mine is at the 38 line) and it shuld go up :)
I would also remove the LNBF cover to see a slight improvement in signal quality, just remember to put it back on before it rains!

I get the nets at 65% signal quality on the DVB World USB receiver and around 70% signal quality on my Fortec Classic NA.
I might try to hit IA6 tomorrow if the weather holds. Any advice on how to do that? I would like to aim for analog and then adjust for digital since it worked well today. Can I use Tenmax on TP 1 to aim even though it is scrambled? I have Videocipher II Plus.
nope its automatic

I used my HTS Tracker IV to do that. Once the signal is good enough, the VC board will kick in and you'll see a black screen with a signal on the screen (at least the HTS did)
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looks like somebody has a weekend project all lined up

Just for the heck of it, I would like to see how many birds I can find. If this heat and humidity keeps up I may not take it too far! :mad:

I caught a couple feeds off IA5 with the dish on G4 like you and Mike mentioned. they were pretty snowy but at least I know I am very close to that bird!
Tron said:
Someday a kid will grab the wagon or a dog will run off with the dog food tub and you'll be out tweaking! ;)

I'm almost afraid to ask...

Pictures? :D

Sorry, no pics. I recorded about 180 gig of HD material and took it down. I was looking at it this afternoon and said "What if it tipped and went backwards???" "NO!!! That huge dish would take out my KU rig!!" I might put it back up one day....or I might just break down and sweat a bit digging a hole for this thing.
I got the new Tele Satellite magazine .

The top story is Satellite reception with a 6ft Dish FTA C-BAND
Day 3

Wasn't as lucky today. :(

I went out this morning and adjusted the LNB and got the nets on G4 up to 66%. So far so good and I am feeling confident so I decided to try some other sats. By 8 pm I found myself giving up and stuck on G11 for the night.

During the course of the day I hit G3C (analog and digital), IA5 (analog only), IA6 (analog only) and G11 (analog and a few digital). I knew I was on G3 because I found Roberts Comm., VOA and Equity. I could not find IA6 digital and never really felt like I was "on" the sat.

I am beginning to see the wisdom of those parked at G4. At least you have the nets and a quite a few analog feeds. There is alot of analog on IA6, but doesn't look like much digital to me unless I am off.

One thing I enjoyed on G11, when I stopped on the analog VC2 TP for the Independent Film Channel, a sales screen popped up telling me to call NPS! That was unexpected!


How much is really on IA6 digital? I know Lyngsat shows only feeds but wondered about the frequency and type of programming.

Anyone know if the following are still up on G11 digital?

Celebrity Shopping mux
Access TV
Horseracing TV

I was able to get:

Fox Blackout card-50%
Jewelry TV-55%

Thanks! :hatsoff:
Iceberg said:
congrats on the nets.

Yes they seem to hold even at low signal. Try and push the LNB in farther (mine is at the 38 line) and it shuld go up :)

BTW, thanks for that tip. 34-36 seemed to work better for my setup, but I think I was on 40 or something so I was able to get the G4 nets up to 66! :up
I'm thinking about putting the dish back at G4 and peaking the signal for that. Then when I get bored or want to catch a hot feed I can "Ghetto move" to G3, IA5, IA6 etc. for analog. I shouldn't have to touch the LNB to get reasonable signal for nearby analog birds.
voomvoom said:
Tracy, if I was you, I would get a high gain splitter and split the coax from the loop-out and hook both the C and ku on the Uniden up and see if it will work like that. I think it will, and I see no reason for it not to. That way you won't have to switch the coax back and forth on the back of the Uniden, when you're watching analog C or ku. Just a thought and it might not work.


Edit: also, I would be interested to know if it will pick up the other band from whichever you have tuned in on the Fortec. I know it would if you wired it as in the diagram I showed you in the earlier post, but if you do it like this, I think it will only get the band the Fortec is on, just like it will only get the polarity. But, if the loop-out is a passthrough (and I think it is), it should work.


I would like to try this but am unsure of the splitter type. I have three of them and they all say "5-1000 Mhz". One also says, "110 DB EMI Isolation". Another one says "-140 DB EMI Isolation". I think that one was left by the cable guy. Any info on these would be appreciated.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
I'm thinking about putting the dish back at G4 and peaking the signal for that. Then when I get bored or want to catch a hot feed I can "Ghetto move" to G3, IA5, IA6 etc. for analog. I shouldn't have to touch the LNB to get reasonable signal for nearby analog birds.

no you should be fine. You might need to adjust the elevation a little.

I do the same thing (ghetto move). I have one advantage of being in the midwest is IA6 is my true south. So AMC3 over to AnikF1 are pretty much the same elevation (within .2 of a degree) :)
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for sale! 100ft multi-band dish full hydrolics

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