Bye Bye H2

Whens the last time you learned anything from The Learning Channel?

Not a damn thing. The last time my wife and I watched this channel was when they used to air Trading Spaces - a show about two families who switch houses and decorate each other's places with a designer's help and a $1000.00 budget. But that has been some time ago, like 2008 before the Great Recession hit.
I haven´t watched it in a while, are they still airing Ancient Aliens ?

I liked the first episodes, but after some time it was about the same stuff over and over again.

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Yup; still airing rather well produced episodes of Ancient Aliens. Somebody has some deep pockets. Other than that show, my wife and I both enjoyed H2 (rather than History), and we'll be sorry to see it gone. Maybe the good shows wil go to History, and Ancient Aliens will go to SyFy. ;)
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I may be getting old, but I remember that when MTV was born it was all Music TV, all Music videos all the time.

Years later it had stuff other than Music videos, Beavis and Butt Head reality shows you name it.

I don´t watch it anymore but I doubt they still have their original format of only Music videos.
I rarely watch anything on MTV ,VH1 or CMT,xcept when they might air a movie on Friday or Saturday nights ,and it is almost always GREASE , GREASE2 or Urban Cowboy played over and over again.
Nearly all the H2 programming has been or will be moved/aired on History (and I mean new episodes). Oh, YES, Ancient Aliens, Hanger One, etc. has been VERY popular, in fact, many viewers complained that they could no longer view such shows, and those like it, on the main History channel because their MVPD either did not carry H2 or have H2 at too high a package, and because this extremely popular programming was on the less carried H2, those shows were not making the money they could have had they been on History with its wide access. The plan was to make H2 a compelling channel to MVPD's to carry it or at least move it down to the less expensive packages, allowing A&E to have a second highly popular channel to it History. But still not enough MVPD's either carry H2 or don't offer it at the lowest package where History and the greatest number of viewers can found, meant that the highly in demand shows on UFO's, etc. was not making the kind of money it could if it were on the ubiquitous History.

Sorry, but those Aliens aint going nowhere, but to the big main History channel. At least with H2, this left History to at least be a little less about Ancient Aliens and UFO's etc. It was a good separation of content. Instead, look for History to be MORE about Aliens and UFO's, etc. because their H2 home will no longer exist. It's like bad relatives moving into your home because theirs was destroyed in a natural disaster.

Still a smart move by A&E. Now those Alien shows can make them even MORE money on History and they rid themselves of trying to come up with programming for the coming Vice, which sounds like a horrible channel, so far.
IMO, Ancient Aliens, the guy with the weird hair-do, and UFO´s, have really nothing to do with History Channel.

But, that´s just my opinion.

I think that type of shows, should have their own channel, something called The Alien Channel or something like that. ;)

And HIstory channel should be only about History.

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