buy warranty to cover DLP's lamp replacement?

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Original poster
Apr 20, 2005
Is it a good deal to spend $299 to buy extra 4 years warranty which will cover the DLP lamp replacement cost which is more than $300 currently? What do you guys think? I am debating that with myself now. Thanks.
yes buy the warranty

I work for a service center in MA and you would not believe how many lamps i've replaced.
I highly suggest buy the extended warranty, you should be replacing the lamp almost once a year, and the price for the lamps ranges anywhere from $250 to $350.
The lamp that was inside my DLP died in 6 months because the poor deliver of the set probably shortenend its life
I bought the extended warranty with my Samsung DLP when I first got it two years ago. I figured, if something DID break, it would be pricey. The fact that it included the lamp just sealed the deal. Fortunately, I have had zero problems with my TV. Now, shortly before the 5 year mark, I will definitely call and say that my TV "just isnt as bright as it used to be".

My dad bought a Samsung DLP a little over a year ago, and they had to put in a new light engine this week. Good thing he bought the warranty...the installer said the light engine would have run over $2000 + labor.
Well, anything within the first year should be covered by the tv's original warranty.. Any bugs should be identified by then.
You are buying insurance that a product will NOT work.... Do you have faith in the product you are buying to begin with???? that is the true question to consider... INMHO.
I actually have no faith in most new products coming out today. Nothing is built like they were 15 years ago.
But, will the extended warrenty be honored then?

I am leaning toward buying it now, but it is offerred by this public company called "WarrentTec"(symbol WTEC), and they seem to be in pretty bad financial shape judging from their <$1 stock price! Besides, I am not surprised if they'll have to keep losing money replacing those lamps! So, any bad experience dealing with them? Is this something I also need to consider?
Service centers and 3rd party warrantys

If you want my suggestion, what i would do is find your nearest service center not the warranty compan the actual service center, go to them or call them and ask them if they have ever heard of that company and if they have ever done buisness with them.

The service company/center is the person that is doing the actual work on the television the 3rd party warranty or extended warranty is who is paying them to do that work. If the service company has no problems with that extended warranty company then I believe you will be ok. If they have never heard of them then i would reconsider.
orpheus said:
Is it a good deal to spend $299 to buy extra 4 years warranty which will cover the DLP lamp replacement cost which is more than $300 currently? What do you guys think? I am debating that with myself now. Thanks.

I paid $249 (Circuit City) for the 4 year extended warranty on my Samsung DLP last year. I don't usually buy extended warranties but because it covered lamp replacement and my set gets heavy use I didn't hesitate. The replacement lamp for my set is $199.00 and I know I'll get at least 1 replacement during the warranty period. Because these sets are so expensive and repairs so costly it would be hard not to recommend the extra protection as long as the cost is reasonable.

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