Bummer - no 119 or 110

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Original poster
Apr 15, 2005
Some of you may recall I had problems locking on to 119. As the trees have gotten leafy it's gotten worse.

So, after a couple marathon sessions trying to point my dish to pick up the 110 and 119 satellites, I finally gave up and called DirecTV to get a tech out. He quickly advised me that there was no way I was going to get 119 - the location where the previous guy installed the dish can pick up 101 no problem, but the way the trees on the property are 119 is too low of an angle to pick up no matter what, and 110 is only going to get worse as the tree fills in more. Given that the trees are super old, and I am renting this house temporarily while I'm in law school, I don't see myself chopping anything down.

I'm a bit pissed - I did the mover's program, and if the original installer would have told me there was a potential problem (I specifically told him I wanted the set up HD-ready as I was going to buy a set as soon as I could) I'd have just gotten digital cable for the 3 years I'm in law school.

Bummer. No ESPN HD. At least HBO HD and SHO HD come in, as well as the networks.
I'm impressed. How the heck are you finding time to watch TV while in law school??? There's a three-year gap in my awareness of anything Pop Culture from 1996 to 1999, corresponding to when I was in school. You're definitely better than me if you can pull it off!
I don't get 119 because of tall buildings. Hopefully, directv will not move any more programming to 119. Am I right?
oval dish setup for direct tv

Hello there, I just brought the new oval dish by direct tv with the 3 lnbs and built-in-multiswitch. Can anyone give me the cooridnates for this oval dish.??????.. Elevation, Azimuth, til...etc..etc..I live in St. Petersburg, FL zipcode 33710. Thanks...
direct tv oval dish coordinates and software

Thanks, i'm goin gto try this later on today or tomorrow.

I just purchase the pansat 2500a digital satellite receiver. Does anyone have the latest software that goes with it. i need it for it to work..thanks
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