Bug found with new P419 update on 311 Receiver


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 1, 2006
Info for all 311 Receiver owners with new P419 software update:
When you look ahead in the EPG guide until a new guide download is forced (about 36 hours ahead of the current time), it causes "no info" to be inserted in the guide for the current time period for some channels (not all) the next time the EPG guide is viewed, thus forcing another new download of the guide when it is viewed online in order to fill in the "no info" data that was caused by the previous 36 hour ahead lookup. This is occurring on all 4 of my 311 receivers which just received the new P419 update and is 100% repeatable. This is not a disabling problem, just annoying. Please pass on to the right people at Dish. I'm not sure what department to tell this to, and don't really want to get involved with CSR's who will immediately think I'm doing something wrong. Thanks
the reciever is not designed to store 3 or 4 days of epg so when you go ahead in the guide that far it downloads new epg info replacing your current time epg so yes you would need to force another epg download to reacquire the current epg info

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