I used to move my dish far west and brush off the snow that didn't slide off. I did this every time I needed to clear the drive way since I need to move the dish west to plow excess snow from my driveway between the dish and a couple small trees in front of it. If there was only an 1 or 2 of snow I wouldn't bother with it since my bud was c band only, and the little amount of melting snow the next day that turned into ice (even at 20 below the little snow would melt and turn to ice as it ran off when the sun shone on it) wouldn't affect my c band reception.
Only when I had 4-5 inches of wet snow on the dish would it affect c band. My ku dishes were offsets and very little snow stayed on them as they were mostly vertical but they did lose reception in a heavy wet snow as they do with rain. Only once in 11 years of offset dishes have I ever had to clear them and that day we got about 30" of wet snow that just kept building up them. I new that the next day it would be ice and wouldn't get ku. At least C band always got good reception in a blizzard until there was 4-5" on the dish, and a quick run out with a broom would clear it up during a commercial break. We usually don't get ice storms here so I've never had to worry about that.
We got a few more inches of that heavy wet sticking to the BUD snow and the weather girl is predicting 6 to 12 inches. I brushed the slop off and before the next commercial break the signal got lost. I cleaned it a few times but I am giving up until the snow settles. I googled covers for the BUD and got some expensive results! I am not sure how big of a tarp Iwould need on my 10' BUD. I am going to search more and talk to a local dealer to pick his brain. I also saw that there are heaters for the little guys and also ones for commercial dishes. :up I think that my next project is to build a heater of some sort like what was suggested earlier. I thought that last year was a lot of cleaning but this year is starting out pretty sloppy!
The snow is still falling and the BUD is still down!!!...
What snow that did not melt has piled up a good 6 inches and counting! Our local FOX station out of Erie went off the air due to snow on thier GUDconfused for the FOX feed!!!... (Giant
Ugly Dish)
We are getting "thunder snow" too!!! It is a thunderstorm with snow instead of rain.