Bud and Prime star Help Needed

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Your true south sat is the one that is closest to your longitude, in your case it would be AMC9 @ 83W

Thanks - Hey I told you guys I do not know anything.
What can I say.!sadroll
That question really had me stumped.
Thanks for answering it for me.

There may be a limit to how many dishes you can hookup to your Coolsat, but it's a LOT, don't worry about that yet. With proper switching and cabling you can do about anything.
I'll bet that your old P* LNB will work, those things are tough, don't think I have heard of many gong bad....I use mine to drive tent stakes.

That's good, I was wondering with the two buds I have, and the P* star,maybe the small 500 dish, and I want to add one of those new fangled motorized FTA dishes I see for sale everywhere- one day [they are suppose to be so much better at getting signals], if I could use all of it on one receiver or not.
I am glad to hear it will not be too much.
One of my friends has another bud just like the two I already have and may, or may, not let me have it.
So I may have triplets soon- who knows?:D
I know I do not need triplets but if he is going to scrap it anyway, I may as well drag it home and hook it up too.
Three buds are better than one.:eureka
Tent stakes-That's got to be pretty tough then.
Thanks for the info

what came with your receiver and what you ordered were diseqc switches, a multi-switch is not a diseqc switch, it works entirely different
you need a multi-switch for the Primestar lnb
Thanks I did not understand that.
When I searched on e* bay for multi-switch the diseqc type was what came up.
I just thought they were the same .!sadroll
I see now that their are other types coming up also.
Several types under 20 bucks from what I see.
So I will see about getting one of those also.
Like I said I really do not know much about satellites,switches,receivers etc.
But I am learning.:)
Thanks for the info

I wouldn't know if it is repairable or not? you can be on the look-out for a cheap one somewhere
Yeah that's what I been doing. Just a matter of time,I guess.
Although it might be fun to just see what I can rig up modifying the old analog receiver. Ha.Ha.:eureka
I have been known to fry some electronics in my day.
Nothing like seeing something you plug up start smoking.
Just Kidding.:D

Seriously I will want to change to the g/vbox control as soon as I am able and do away with the old analog receivers.They are pretty old already.
I am not to sure how long they would last.
Thanks for the info.
I learned something again.
I thought the whole idea was to be able to move the dish to another position with out putting down my potato chip bag and getting out of my easy chair -to scan for more feeds,or channels, etc.Ha.:clap
I have no idea what is up there sat wise,so I just figured if it has a motor it needs to move,I guess.
I could be wrong.
Thanks for all the info and keep it coming.:D
I may not can even pick up anything,I think I am down in a hole as far as elevation goes.
I been looking at goo* maps way to much lately,my eyes are starting to sting.
The pine trees are working against me too.
They are getting huge - now if I could just figure out how to put one of those new fangled sat dishes in the top of one of those pine trees- hey- It could work.:eureka
Just joking- - maybe.:rolleyes:
If you see a story in the local paper about a crazy guy putting a sat dish in a pine tree- well.
You will know who it was,right.!sadroll

I seriously doubt that it is bad, these lnb's were well built, and last
No kidding,I know it has to be pretty old because it lay in that ditch for months before I decided to stop and see what it was,and then I had to dig it out of the mud and weeds.
My wife had a fit when I dragged that thing home that day.
Junk-Junk-Junk-she said.
She really thought I was crazy,Ha.!sadroll
I told her now Honey-it might be worth some-thing,who knows?:rolleyes:
Years later she would still remind me I had not done anything with that stupid thing I dragged home,nag,nag,nag.
Ha.- just one of my life's little pleasures.:D

It does not looked cracked or anything, and the cables are still attached to it, so you could be correct.
Oh, did you hear about the guy that goes camping and drives his tent stakes with it?
Multi use- who knew.-Ha.
Just kidding-really.
I got a good laugh out of that one,because it sounded like something I would have tried myself in a pinch.:)
Thanks again

putting a motor on the Primestar is no easy task, but it is do-able.
Yeah I read that on another post,seems like the motor being used is not strong enough.
I kind of toyed with the idea of using a bud motor and arm to move it,but I really have not gotten that far yet.
Use everything off the old bud but the dish.
I know where I may could get the dish bracket and motor from a old bud-but have not looked at how I would mount the P*dish to the bud bracket.
I do not know if that would even be possible.
The bud I am talking about is at a neighbors house and was destroyed in a bad storm several years ago. The dish was crushed totally.:(
It still has some good parts though I think.
It would be easier to just make a light weight bracket for the dish I am sure,as it seems that would reduce the weight a good deal.[Or cut enough of the old bracket away to reduce the weight.]
I think that is what they did on the post I read.
I would like to see the inside of one of these newer type motors.
Very interesting.
If I get my hands on a dead one I will have a look see.
If I kill one I will have one to tear apart at least.Ha.:D

you can put extra lnb's offset from center and get nearby satellites using the same dish, something to think about for your Primestar dish
Yes I read where some people are doing that.
Some people are adding multi lnb's.
Lots of brackets for sale everywhere,two,three,five,etc.
I got to say-it looks cool.:up
I do not understand all that.
I have a D*N 500 dish.
I see where some people do that with them too.
Change the lnb's and install one of those new brackets.
Might try that later on.
Wonder if the D*N 500 bracket would fit the P*star and be light enough to motor it?!sadroll
Thanks for the ideas-keep them coming.

different folks like to watch different things. but, two most favorite sats are G18 ku @ 123.0w and G19 ku @ 97.0w,
Yeah,I can understand that.
I will check out that list too.
I appreciate the info,and I just needed something to shoot far.
I did not understand what sats where available from my location,and what were not available.:what
I am clueless to what is, and what is not on true FTA.
I have never seen it or knew anybody using true FTA,
so I guess I will just have to find out for myself what I like and do not like.
Thanks for the info

I don't won't to put myself in a position of telling you to get this or that, and then it doesn't work out for you.
Not a problem- I totally understand.:)
But I am sure this is a new learning experience for me and I will waste time and money learning the ends and outs of it. Hopefully all the fun will more than make up for that.
Your comments are always welcomed.:up
As is- everyone else 's -I am just here to learn.
Thanks again for all your help.:D

the latitude is north and the longitude is west (if you were in the southern hemisphere the latitude would be south, if you were on the other side of either pond/ocean, the longitude would be east)
you are not going to get any satellite in the east
and they are not listed as east or west of you (31032), they are listed as east or west of Greenwich Mean Time (I think?)
I just hate maps- that's what it is.Ha.:D
Hey I was terrible in school,always had my mind on fun stuff -should have paid more attention to school work.

Some site I went to listed a bunch of satellites near you by zip code.
All were listed as west but then another listed them as east and west? More to confuse my poor soul than anything else I guess.
I got a lot to learn- I see - lots and lots.!sadroll
your true south satellite is 83.0w and is AMC9
your longitude and straight south (true south and not magnetic south) is your most southern point to pivot on, for any motorized dish
Thanks that one was driving me crazy-glad to finally know the answer-
many thanks.:up

Altough they are a little spendy, I got an EMP-Centauri 8x1 switch last fall and have six dishes tied to my Fortec Mercury and am well pleased with it.:eek:
I read your post about the switches,and the cost.
I appreciate the info and will keep my eyes peeled for a EMP-Centauri.
This sounds like a really good switch.:up
Unfortunately I am on a tight budget right now.:(
Thanks for the tip and the diagram.
I need all the help I can get.
Thanks again:)
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