Coldest day so far here in W NJ, mercury reads 5F, wind 8 MPH with 19 MPH gusts. Dew Point is -5F. Won't try to turn my H-H motor today hi hi. Wonder what the temps are in other parts of the country? Nice and sunny though.
It was about -5 on my way into work, +5 when I ran into town for lunch. Not sure what the wind speeds are, but the Flag outside my office window has been waving pretty rapidly for a while now. That -5 was a lot warmer then +5 with the windchill. Don't care for the snow one bit, but the cold doesn't bother me at all. I'll take this this over 90 degree any day. Hell, 70 is even too warm for me. I typically don't even turn the heat on at home and the first Spring day it reaches 65, the window air conditioner goes in..
This is the coldest that I have ever experienced. From February of 2015, I believe.
Being a transplant from Arizona into Nebraska I agree. Heat bothers me more than cold. But I've always been the exception when it comes to climate. I look at humid hot Florida or Houston Tx. as hell holes and cold snowy mountains as paradise.
45 degrees in northwest Oregon. But then we've had a third of an inch of rain so far today in this land where moss grows on all sides of the trees.