Brighthouse Not-So Customer Service


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 22, 2005
I just want to let everybody know that after months and months of issues with poor reception and service, a Brighthouse Cable representative has informed that they will not do anything more for me at all.
This decision was made by the billing department and it is final. Whatever problems I am still having, they are not concerned, I was told that I should either just "accept what they are giving me" and pay the bill or cancel and go to another provider. I was told this after calling BHC to follow up that an "upper management" person was supposed call me and never has, and this has been going on for weeks. There is a wiring problem that is somewhere from the tap in the ground to the connection to the building I am at. It has been documented by their techs that the problem does not lie in the wiring in my apartment. Yet they still refuse to do anything.
The reason for my call was I recieved a threatening phone call from the collection department, telling me I owe this certain amount....meanwhile, I was told that I would not be responsible for any charges until the issue was resolved. When I told them of my predicament, they did not care, even though they acknowledged the fact that the issue was still open. The Last notes they have in their system, is that an "upper management" person was to call me to talk to me and that is still unanswered. I was also informed that the rep that told me I'm not responsible for payment, did not have the right to tell me that. Noone bothered to inform me that the decision about me, as a customer, was made a month ago. That's the other joke, as a customer and all the earlier phone calls made, I was never informed of the decision towards me.
The bigger problem is... I don't have another cable provider in my area to go to. They are the monopoly here in Central Florida. It is Brighthouse or nothing. I'm sorry but Directv and Dishnetwork are not cable companies and do not count in this issue. BHC knows that fact and are treating the customers like dirt. But they want us to subscribe to the internet, digital phone and "High Def" services. My business is internet related, and I'm just supposed to trust my business to BHC's internet service, based on the poor TV services which is their flagship service.
I am tired of their pathetic excuses and poor cable services that do not relect the 21st century technology. There are better services out there and BHC knows this, but refuses to spend any time or money repairing or upgrading their present outdated system to enhance their customers needs and wants. I am also outraged that the fact that customer service has been reduced to not caring about the customer at all, just the company's needs and wants.
"Pay the bill and be happy with what you get" should be the new slogan on all the annoying billboards and commercials. Thanks, Brighthouse, for proving the statement that businesses today do not care about it's customers at all.
You cannot legally without payment even for inferior service. That tatic usually never works to your favor as you found out. It instead labels you as a deadbeat that they will not go out of their way to help.

Probably would have been better to document and file dispute for charges within the Federal Goverment Guidelines for billing disputes.
Dude, what legal? What tactic? Why does everything have to involve a lawyer?
Bad service or good service, I do what I am told to do by the reps I speak with, phone or live, to help resolve situations, isn't that what the customer service reps are supposed to do? Helping us, the customer?
When you have a problem, you call up, set an appointment, the repair guy comes and fixes, problem resolved. Done. This isn't brain surgery... but it seems the repair guys are not the "trained tech repair specialists" their title dictates. They do basic bare minimum cable hookups, that's it. But regardless, this isn't really about them... that's awhole different forum.
I was told by a BHC phone rep., that I did not have to pay until my issue was resolved. . Plain and simple. What do you do when a rep for the company tells you that you are not responsible until the issue is resolved?
That's part of the problem, I never once received any type of work order or receipt, proving that they were at my residence. I called many times to try to obtain one, and was told many times that they do not give out work orders, everything is done through their internal inter-office e-mail filing system only, no paperwork is given to the customers. Hello, 2006? All of this 21st century tech, and BHC can't provide a receipt for their customers?
How is that beneficial to us, the customer?
Their whole process is really one sided- theirs.
Mirage, I went over some of your past posts. Sorry your having those troubles. If I remember correctly your not in the Brevard area. If you were, I could help you out. However, the Orlando area, I have no pull over there.

I saw that you have had several techs out and that they ran new wires. This is a good thing. That SHOULD be documented in the system. Sounds though, that the problem is either at the Box thats connected to the condo, or possible out at the street.

Only thing I can recommend, is when you call them, ask them the ETA of "tap service request". If they say they dont have one on file, tell them you wish to have one on file NOW. Then explain, you have had several techs out, they have re-wired your system, etc. etc. and that the problem is not longer inside the condo or the wires, and that theres a problem at the tap.

Hope this helps you get going properly....

mirage426 said:
Dude, what legal? What tactic? Why does everything have to involve a lawyer?

It doesn't.

Read the FTC laws of what you can legally do.

Because if you go past 60 days with a complaint in writing you loose your rights under law. It appears you have gone past that time. Too bad you didn't get anything about not paying in writing. Now it's just your word against theres - and guess who has the legal standing?
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I was wondering what part of orlando you live in, and what type of problem you are having, If its a picture quality problem that should be resolved today as BHN now broadcasts is analog channels in digital format if your a digital customer, if you want you can PM me and if you live in an area I can service I will make sure the problem gets taken care of,
I appreciate the help from you guys here, but BHC refuses to do anything outside of telling me they will take care of it.
Meanwhile the phone reps tell me that the techs that come to my house for service should give me a workorder for every visit to my house, yet the techs that come here tell me they do not give out work orders. So what do you do?
I even asked if I could hire a cable contractor to help resolve the problem and BHC told me they will not be responsible for anything, then.
Now I trust both ends of the service as far as I can throw my Car.
It is legallized scamming.
I sympathize with you mirage. I have had a picture problem for about 5 months now with my digital cable. I had someone come out today. I finally got someone who noticed the problem. He called a maintenace guy who came out and saw that the picture was messed up to. I have some bad "ghosting", and I get intermittent digital invisible blocks on VH1 Classic. I love that channel. that is why it is such a big deal to me. Anyways, he played around a little bit outside and could not find the problem. He told me that a crew would be back tomorrow or monday and would fix it though. He said there has to be something wrong with the line coming in from the road. He ran a line from the side of the building to my box, and it still did the same thing. So obviously it is something to do with the line coming in from the road I guess. I am cautiously optimistic that it will get fixed now though. I never stopped paying or anything like that though. All I can say is that they probably are not attending to you properly because of the payment issues. I know that's not right, but that's what I think is happening. I think I am going to ask if I can be credited some for the past few months. The tech that was here said that that was a good idea. He didn't know if it would work, but he thought I should ask about it. I hope stuff works out for you.

By the way, I live in Oviedo, fl. and have BHN
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Mirage BHN service techs do not get "work orders" to goto service calls only new installs or upgrades will have a work order, serivce techs simpley dont have them so in a way both people told you right yes we give you work orders everytime we upgrade/install. but for service techs they do not get work orders to give out, every service call to your house is logged into the icoms billing/support system plus the tech fills out a daily work log, so they do have a record of everytime somoene was at your house and a basic description of what they did. I dunno why you would need a recipt for a service call since you are not charged, now the service tech can if he has blank work orders hand write you one if you need one, but usally only do that if your going to get a charge. If you are having poor service issues, they will fix it an upon completeion of the repair you can ask for credit and they will credit you for (service affected / time since first trouble call) however if your account is not up to date in the billing system they will not work well with you, as they will assume (as many companies) that you are only complaining to get credit so you dont have a big bill. if you pay the bill in full remove your past due balance and on the day your service ivs fixed you will get credit for all downtime + ask for some "hassle credit"
oh about intermed problems.. if youve never worke din the cable industry then you dont understand those problems are next to impossible to fix, even if you rewire the whole house to the pole from the pole to the node, that intmed problem could still be around somewhre, so give the guys a little break wghen working on a problem they cant see.... How you gonna find a leak in your roof if it aint raining or you dont spray it with a house...
Again, no offense to you, stevenl, I'm not picking on you personally and I appreciate your help, but you guys are only taught so much. Like salespeople, you are still selling a product that isn't in your control.
I had a higher up super level tech here the other day, and he found a few signal problems within a few minutes. We got to talking and it was very polite and all, like I am with all the guys here, I then showed him some DVD recordings of broadcasts I had taken for examples and he was blown out of the water. Working with video, I explained how compression works and how it is misused. His answer was that isn't how we were explained it. Like every other theory, results can't be determined from the starting point, someone needs to go and see the results and differences.
As the tech looked at picture quality, he realized the sad truth. First he tried to explain that each individual station is broadcasting a poor quality signal. I then pointed out that I would believe it if it was PBS, but not HBO. BHC does indeed take every station and channel and push it through their system. Who set up the system?
He then told me that the bottom line is that BHC is really only interested in giving us more channels, and all digital is doing is eliminating alot of signal interference problems. That says nothing about the overall quality..
Then later, the tech called me to tell me that his Tv is the same and he is disappointed and his friend from another area, is also having similar problems. So it has been determined that it is a giant BHC problem and he is looking into it.
Well their is a differnce between the first launch and now as things are moved, their is no more then 7 Channels per 6mhz space, so their isnt an over compression issue, possible poor compression or poor feed coming in to compress. When gain more BW we can furthur mix up the channels, and also when the new headend is complete operational we will have broadcast quality signal. however this isnt something that happens overnight.
Considering you really do not need more than about 3.5Mbps per SD Digital signal, 7 per 38.81Mbps QAM has plenty of expansion room.

You could probably squueze put 7 SDs @ 3.5Mbps and 1 HD channel at 14 Mbps on a QAM.

Would not work for HDNET but it would work for INHD HBO and some others.
I hear ya, and all the terminology is sound, but are they just theorized, or proven results?
The last upper senior tech to my house spoke of the same terms, but really did not know what they meant, for he, like alot of people have not seen the results given, but he was just repeating said terminology to others, like he was taught. When I asked if he personally saw the above results, i recieved the blank stare response, he said no, then it sparked his curiosity. He wanted to know now, too. Just like any other computer fomulation, results vary and if you test the components in a controlled environment, such as the cable "headquarters" of course you will get excellent results, but did they go to the furthest point and test? What kind and how many tests were done?
That's what I am wondering....
Well after finally getting through to the fact that there is a problem, things were being looked into, and a week later the game continued all over again from the start point.
I believe that the tech super who was helping me hit a giant wall with corporate, for it seems that the billing dept. infact overrules his desisions regardless of what they are and made him frustrated as well. So in my eyes, if the billing department make the overall judgement calls, it tells me that the company does not really care what is going on out in the field.
I feel really sorry for the techs and everyone in the middle that get jerked around, but I am done being made a fool of and went and cancelled my service w/BHC because I am tired of being taken advantage of and I'd rather not support a company who does not care about it's customers.
I work too hard for my money to just throw it away on a company that offers an inferior product for a premuium price.
So see ya, BHC, it hasn't been fun.
Yes, if you don't pay your bills you are a deadbeat.

Brighthouse, Time Warner, Comcast, Dish, Directv and everyone else will drop you as well.

Unfortunately, as you have said, you don't have many other choices.

And now you will be in battle with their credit department with them handing it over to a credit company who will bash your credit report.

Don't let the door hit you as you wave bye bye.

Next time, learn your legal rights.
and you need to learn to read, HDTVFanAtic...every post of yours has been a contradiction to itself, not to mention the insults. So go back and read, I was told by brighthouse phone reps and the rep super that I was not responsible for any payment until my services were repaired. and now, everthing was already confirmed that I was infact told the truth, and do not owe anything to BHC, for it was cleared off when I cancelled. They realized their major foul-ups and other mistakes, so I do not owe anything. Nice try, though. Maybe you should listen to what you say, too, HDFA.

Like I've said, I never ever had a problem w/any other company before, including TW, Directv and Comcast. They delivered what they promised.

and I'm not the only one... the other day at the supermarket, I heard this girl yelling at her boyfriend to cancel BHC because of their horrible services, when 5 more people got involved in the conversation and backed her up, they all agreed (and stated everything I have done in my posts) that they were totally dissatisfied w/BHC and were going to cancel, too. I just laughed as I walked by. So it's not just me.

Learn your legal rights, "Mr. i will just pay for everything, regardless of it working properly or not." Used car salesmen must love you. "He'll buy anything"...You're the customer accepting the crap offered for the over-inflated prices with no quality control checking and ruining it for everybody else. Way to go.

Besides, Verizon will be here real soon. I can wait for good service.
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that's amazing, u never had problems with directv? their csr's never lied to you? they never acted like they didn't know what they were doing? either you must be one of the rare few or i want whatever your smoking!! they were absolutely the worst company i have ever dealt with.

brighthouse isn't perfect but they treat me like royalty.
Nope, icedude, had Directv for over 3 years, before I moved, my sister has them for seven years now and my cousin has them for 4 years, ... with zero problems in every dept.
The only thing that will be a tough desision for me (when I move again) between Directv and Verizon is I want to see the picture quality Verizon is offering.
iceturkee said:
brighthouse isn't perfect but they treat me like royalty.

you're right...they're not perfect. but when i call in with a problem (and while getting everything going with them, there have been some problems), it's really nice to have someone give an extra effort trying to solve it. not to mention that everybody i've dealt with spoke english...a definite plus! :)

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