That's funny Nayl. You don't know me. I've spent over $25,000 on my home theater. How about you?
I've said nothing new? I simply pointed out that Voom, AGAIN, has made a false promise. See, you think I DON'T care. When, in fact, I absolutely DO. I WANTED Voom to succeed!!! I subscribed. Paid over $100 per month. And what did I get? Bad picture quality, shady customer service (even you people here say the CSRs suck), missed install dates, technical glitches, and a bunch of bandwidth eating channels that had repeating content.
When I see a company like Voom mismanage every possible aspect of their business, I feel it's ABSOLUTELY my RESPONSIBILITY to let prospective customers know what they're getting themselves into. Is it my "agenda" to keep new people from subscribing to Voom? I'll admit it right here and now. Yes! And if I have, I've done them a favor!
So, go ahead! Keep kidding yourselves. Keep calling me names and telling my I'm poor. Whatever makes you feel better. Really. I don't take life so seriously that everybody's insults around here hurt my feelings. I couldn't care less. In the end, I'm watching HD that doesn't have poor picture quality, I don't get misbilled, I'm informed (as much as a company can allow their customers to be informed), I get great customer service and I'm not even paying that much! You think I'm crazy for spending over $25,000 on my home theater and only having a few HD channels? I think it's rediculous to spend ANY amount of money on Voom to get sub-par HD.
So, vote with my pocketbook? I HAVE! Now, I'm helping to educate would-be customers so they can vote with theirs. In a forum where posts get bumped further and further down the list, it's my DUTY to give my opinion on happenings. You don't like what I have to say, there's a niftly little ignore feature that you have every right to use. This forum is about Voom and I'm always talking about Voom. Go back and read any of my posts and you'll see that I'm never off-topic. Just like you people that praise Voom, I have every right to slam it.
I would absolutely hate it if I bought into Voom if EVERYBODY said it was this wonderful thing and then I found out that it wasn't AFTER I signed a contract. Many people around here want to bash me, when they should be thanking me for my honest and fair insight to the company called Voom.