Braylon Edwards Has a Meltdown!


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Nov 2, 2006
Believeland, Ohio
To quote Scooby Doo; “Ruh Roh!” ..............

”I’m really to the point now where I’m just playing football,” Edwards said. ”I could care less about fans, media, people talking about trading me and the B.S. that’s going on with our team and the season. I’ve got a job to do. My job is to catch the football. So I cleared my mind and just played football. I’m not going to feed into whatever else is going on.”
As Jim Rome said yesterday on his show, "it's career suicide for a player to say they don't care about the fans." They're the ones that essentially pay athletes contracts by purchasing tickets and jerseys. Fans have a vested interest in the product they support. And if a player says they don't care, well that's a slap in the face. And I've heard NO speculation of trading Braylon this year. The Browns would be crazy to think a Syndric Steptoe/ Donte Stallworth combo would work as starting wideouts.

“I’m not Paul Warfield, Webster Slaughter or Jim Brown. I’ve given my all to this city for four years, and I realize it will never be enough. I went to the Pro Bowl last year and resurrected this team from the darkness, and nobody cared.”
Damn straight your not Warfield, Slaughter or Jim Brown! Are you kidding me Braylon?! ONE Pro Bowl doesn't equate to Hall of Fame status! And btw, I'm sure your teammates will appreciate the fact that it was solely YOU who "resurrected the team from the darkness" last year! If you wern't so full of yourself, maybe the fans would cut you, "Jehovah Edwards" some slack.

My biggest problem is that I actually give a damn. I’m always rushing back from surgeries and injuries, never missing games or practices. But through this, I’ve learned how to overcome adversity. I’m also proud of how my foundation has taken off. I’ve been doing all this community service in Cleveland … my charity efforts will only be in Detroit from now on.”
Braylon, Braylon, Braylon.... You need to understand that football is a buisness. When you don't catch the ball and lose games, there are going to be critics. Get over it. On the other hand, when you have success and you win, everything is all hunky dorey as you experienced last year. And btw, throwing money at a charity doesn't make you immune to criticism. What you do (did) for the community was awesome, I commend you for it and I wish more athletes would be as generous. However, taking the money away from this kids charity and giving it to Michigan instead because you got your feelings hurt is just plain wrong.

”It is what it is. I’ve learned being here that I’m very unappreciated. Not in the organization, just in the eyes of the fans, the city. Since Day One I’ve been a marked man coming from Michigan. It’s just gone that way. Even when things are good, there’s heckles.”
Oh Pulease! Cleveland and Columbus are two different cities. So are the Buckeyes and Browns. No one has held it against you that you're from Michigan. If the Browns had drafted Tom Brady, I'm sure they would get over the fact he played for that wretched team up North. The fact of the matter is, people want a winner. If you drop balls and the team loses, it's not going to be pretty. Using your Michigan status as a reason why you are getting no love this year is pathetic and unfair.

Seriously, Braylon couldn't have picked a worse time to come public with these comments. This Sunday is our last home game of the season against Cincy. Browns fans are already pissed about the season and I fear Sunday is going to be U-G-L-Y gruesome at Cleveland Browns Stadium. Braylon took this gasoline-soaked bonfire of a season and without a care, lit the match and tossed it right in the middle.

Best of luck Braylon. I don't see you hear next year based on these comments. But in the end, maybe that's what you really wanted. Go F* yourself! :mad:
Did he just say he wants to work in Detroit only next year :D see ya, I thought it was sad how the browns had to paint the footballs with a different color on the tip so BRaylon would concentrate during practice.
Did he just say he wants to work in Detroit only next year :D see ya, I thought it was sad how the browns had to paint the footballs with a different color on the tip so BRaylon would concentrate during practice.

Braylon is now a TO-lite.

What a mess this team is in right now.
I was absolutely disgusted when I heard these comments on Monday......especially the Michigan part. I have a feeling this was a calculated move on his part to get himself out of town. As much as these antics wear on me, he is our only WR that can consistently get open. The Browns will be worse off without him (assuming he gets most of the butter off of his fingers)
Did he just say he wants to work in Detroit only next year :D see ya, I thought it was sad how the browns had to paint the footballs with a different color on the tip so BRaylon would concentrate during practice.

When I heard him go on his rant, my first thought was "Trade him to Detroit, MICHIGAN tommorow" :)
I was absolutely disgusted when I heard these comments on Monday......especially the Michigan part. I have a feeling this was a calculated move on his part to get himself out of town. As much as these antics wear on me, he is our only WR that can consistently get open. The Browns will be worse off without him (assuming he gets most of the butter off of his fingers)

I agree. The Browns didn't spark any trade talks. They know they're better off with BE then the other options, even despite his drops. The fact is, it is Braylon that always had a thing against Cleveland/Ohio, not the other way around....

From yesterday's Plain Dealer column by Bud Shaw....
The hilarious aspect of Edwards bringing up trade talk is that he's the one who brought it up in the past, telling both Sports Illustrated and Jim Rome he hated it here and all but wanted out after the 2006 season.

No one held the get-me-out-town talk against Edwards. Maybe that's because he didn't admit to feeling that way until after his terrific 2007 season when all this Michigan nonsense was seemingly put to rest.

For the people who've now suffered seven seasons of double-digit losses since 1999, this is all about the Browns. Most can separate collegiate rivalries from the communal goal of seeing the Browns restored to a position of power in the NFL.
As Jim Rome said yesterday on his show, "it's career suicide for a player to say they don't care about the fans."
Rome is an idiot freak side show. Braylon concentrating on only doing his job is what he should be doing. If the rest of his team was doing the same they would be playoff bound.:rolleyes:
What a mess this team is in right now.

Since the team came back, I had season tickets up until a few years ago (too busy to go. I want to make it clear I didn't quit on them :)) In that time, I went to some very ugly games at the stadium where the crowd really turned on the team. If the Browns struggle against the Bengals on Sunday, (which unfortunately is a pretty good bet) I can't even imagine what the atmosphere will be like.....probably the worst it has been yet. Braylon will hear boos every time he makes a catch. If he has some drops, he better leave the field with a security detail.
Rome is an idiot freak side show. Braylon concentrating on only doing his job is what he should be doing. If the rest of his team was doing the same they would be playoff bound.:rolleyes:

That's the thing. Braylon's NOT doing his job. His job is to catch footballs, not spout off on the fans!
Since the team came back, I had season tickets up until a few years ago (too busy to go. I want to make it clear I didn't quit on them :)) In that time, I went to some very ugly games at the stadium where the crowd really turned on the team. If the Browns struggle against the Bengals on Sunday, (which unfortunately is a pretty good bet) I can't even imagine what the atmosphere will be like.....probably the worst it has been yet. Braylon will hear boos every time he makes a catch. If he has some drops, he better leave the field with a security detail.

I completely agree. Now that DA is gone, Braylon is the new whipping boy. I don't see how this ends pretty.

CBS (Cleveland browns stadium) is going to be UGLY on Sunday!
Rome is an idiot freak side show. Braylon concentrating on only doing his job is what he should be doing. If the rest of his team was doing the same they would be playoff bound.:rolleyes:

I've always enjoyed Rome. He can be a little annoying at times, but is usually fairly entertaining.

Vurbano, I'm sure you'll enjoy this (if you havn't already seen it)

[ame=]YouTube - Jim Rome[/ame]

As much as I love listening to Rome in the afternoon, I do agree he *does* get rather annoying and arrogant. I just wish "Chris" would've decked him harder; that smirk on Rome's face was reason enough to get punched.
Seeing that we have crocodile armed receivers with no speed, as compared to MOST reciever in the league....we will gladly take him.:eek:
Yeah I would rather have fast recievers that can't catch rather than slow ones. Maybe you will be able to stretch the field with them and throw underneath to a tight end that can catch. Tight end is one of the most valuable players you can have.
That's the thing. Braylon's NOT doing his job. His job is to catch footballs, not spout off on the fans!
Well in his defense he comes from a Browns team with a history of it.

Anderson predicting the playoffs last year. And that other idiot calling himself a warrior?:rolleyes:
Yeah I would rather have fast recievers that can't catch rather than slow ones. Maybe you will be able to stretch the field with them and throw underneath to a tight end that can catch. Tight end is one of the most valuable players you can have.

The ONLY receiver we have is our tight end Zack Miller....EVERYONE knows this and they double team him....constantly! And he a decent tight end, not the kind that would merit double coverage....BUT when the rest of the league knows the team has crapy receivers....well poor Zack is covered more than an informant for the FBI!

Anyone a fan of the Canadian Football League?

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