Box owners... who's left and what can we do?

I own my box too. I also read about that case where the company shut down before the box warranties were up and they did have to pay the customers for the boxes. I would think that with the few people who actually own their boxes the expense to CVC would be pretty minor.
I thinkl we all are box owners....If Voom was going to pay for all of us to send or Boxes back in Xcpt the ones unlucky enough to buy them, The boxs would be worthless to them and it will cost them to much money to have them returned.... I was one of the lucky ones. I did not have to sign a contract or pay anything for an install
These boxes may have a value to Motorola. After all, there is a good chance that the next generation of DirecTV boxes will be based on a compatible design.

As far as going after a refund on the boxes, I think you will need to wait until your signal is indeed dark before you take legal action.
Stargazer said:
If someone does not pay their last programming bills before a company shuts down such as this then could someone get away without paying for them if they file bankruptcy or shut down in this manner? Perhaps sell the debt that is owed to another company if they are smart enough to do so?

Un collected accounts receivable are an asset. They will collect.
This is BS.... They are not dark and they aren't going dark... Personally I feel I've gotten my moneys worth for what I paid for..... but, If they do go dark (and it ain't going to happen), I'll go along with a class action lawsuit, but after the depreciation of my STB and the advent of available bankrupt funds, we would probably get about 17 dollars for the equipment (if that)....
I own my box also. Paid $799 in January 2004. Voom gave me a $300 credit toward programming, and I had free VaVaVoom from January to April. This STB is the original box, and was never swapped out. It is still working and I never really had any problems with it. I'm well over 3,000 hours since the last re-set. I'm satisfied that I've gotten fair value for what I paid.

If you take the $799 and subtract the $300 credit, I have $499 invested in the box. Then subtract out $240 for 3 months of free VaVaVoom, and I have $259 invested in the box. I've had Voom for 14 months, which would have cost me about $154 if I had been leasing. If the signal got turned off tomorrow, I'd be about $105 in the hole. was my choice to buy and NOT to convert to a lease when it was available, and I can live with the loss of $105. If we make it another month, then I'd only be out $25. If we make it to May, then I'm past the break even point. Although I would accept some sort of refund, I'm not expecting one.

I could always donate the STB to the Voom Hall of Fame and take a tax deduction. Or maybe Motorola would like to buy it to do some research on a box that has worked non-stop for 14 months.
While that's nice, others have NOT gotten the same value out of their boxes. I paid $500 for 2 receivers ($299 and $199 under the Sears promo). I got 1 month of free programming. I was denied my free movie package because Voom claimed Sears didn' have permission to offer it, never mind that I had Voom lit claiming it was valid. It's been 11 months since I bought my boxes. If you take the rental fee and the free month I got, I would have saved $300 by not buying. They DO owe me. As long as they continue to broadcast, Ihave no gripe. But if they go dark I will attempt to collect.

I just called VOOM and they said that what was said on the site was a mistake. They said there webhost has been giving them problems and their webmaster wrote it or something along those lines. Give them a call 800-get-voom and ask for yourself if you don't believe me.
MP I know this is a hot one for you, and it is understandable. I see your points. I sincerely hope that we continue to get the signal for a long time to come, and the longer the better. I'd like to see you get past the break even point too.
I'm with stone, I bought my reciever 11/03. Probably one of the first 100 Voom Customers. Absolutely no problems reciever wise. I have no gripe with Voom and will remain a loyal customer until my last breath. If they go dark (and they won't) It will just be a learning experience to me.
The Stone Man said:
I own my box also. Paid $799 in January 2004.

I've had mine since December of '04 and I'm just about at the break even point.

The idea that one might collect on the "unused" portion of a warranty is interesting. It sounds far fetched to me if the warranty was regarding the performance of a piece of electronic equipment. Even if Voom goes dark as in they are not delivering a signal how can one claim that the STB is broken and therefore in need of warranty service? All Voom would have to do if this is somehow an issue is to put up a repeated signal on every channel that states "We are no longer broadcasting anymore but we're sending out this continuous message for the next few months so STB owners' warranties are fulfilled."

Madpoet seems to be the main champion of this idea so he probably knows the wording of the warranty which I have long since forgotten. Mad, is the warranty explicit about the performance of the STB? explicit about receiving the Voom signal/service? other?
I'd have to dig it out. All I recall is the basics, which were that we were entitled to 2 years warranty free and would have the ability to purchase a longer one. They would repair/replace the boxes at their cost, and we were also entitled to upgrades (though there was debate about whether that would apply for the DVR... most think it wouldn't since it's an entirely seperate line).
madpoet said:
I'd have to dig it out. All I recall is the basics, which were that we were entitled to 2 years warranty free and would have the ability to purchase a longer one. They would repair/replace the boxes at their cost, and we were also entitled to upgrades (though there was debate about whether that would apply for the DVR... most think it wouldn't since it's an entirely seperate line).

I remember the 2 years part but not much more. I tell you if Voom does go dark I'll join you in any effort to extract money from the bad guys which will be Rainbow/Cablevision/James Dolan.
I would like to add, that if Voom went dark and purposely killed the software/firmware for my local channels, rendering my STB completely useless. This alone should be enough for a lawsuit. After all, I bought this equipment for the ability to recieve OTA tv as well as satellite. Although my Mits is integrated for recieving ATSC signals, it will not give me a signal strength or power reading, like the Voom STB will. But, at the moment, this is all moot.....
Voom will survive.....

Direct TV or Dish network?

How confident are you that VOOM will survive?

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