Bonus view classics fast channels new on the hopper 3

93-7 is unwatchable multiple images. It almost looks like a 3D picture. All of the other channels look great. Anyone else see this.
I just checked it and the picture looks fine if a bit washed out. That may be because the program is taking place in a cold snowy environment where it is misting snow.
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Hello my friends just a about a half a ago dish has now decided to add fast streaming channels to our lineup. Such as the film detective, horror by alter, the bob Ross channel you can also watch these same channels if you have sling free stream. On your Roku or your fire TV.

They are on channels 91-93 on your hopper 3 or joey


Allen bluegras
I've had the Bob Ross channel up playing in the background all day.
93-7 is unwatchable multiple images. It almost looks like a 3D picture. All of the other channels look great. Anyone else see this.
I just checked out these 15 new channels. It looks like these will not be watched by me. I have the TOP 200 Dish package that is listed as having 240 channels. From that package I only watch about 10 channels and DVR about 99.8% of what I watch. So now I can add these 15 channels to the 230 other channels that I do not need or watch.
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I have watched a few of the movies. Language and any nudity is censored.
Looking at the schedules for some of the channels showed they have some classic programming that doesn't require censorship. The only problem being one needs to watch this programming in real time due to the inability to record anything that's streaming. Is there a technical reason why Dish doesn't allow streaming content to be recorded? Or is it some other reason?
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You kidding? Whoever they grant limited rights to, must observe rules. Every tiny scrap of possible value will be exploited.

Riding for a fall. We see it beginning in sports. It will cross over to Hollywood. One strong recession will reset a lot of this. Some folks will have to become content with being millionaires, not hundred millionaires.

I suspect much of this will fall on sports figures, with no marketable talents outside their sport.

I will NEVER forget a football player at Ole Miss who was illiterate. If he didn't make it in sports, he couldn't even sell used cars. Couldn't read the sales contract. It was painful to watch him try to read. I have no reason to believe this "problem" has been "fixed."
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You kidding? Whoever they grant limited rights to, must observe rules. Every tiny scrap of possible value will be exploited.

Riding for a fall. We see it beginning in sports. It will cross over to Hollywood. One strong recession will reset a lot of this. Some folks will have to become content with being millionaires, not hundred millionaires.

I suspect much of this will fall on sports figures, with no marketable talents outside their sport.

I will NEVER forget a football player at Ole Miss who was illiterate. If he didn't make it in sports, he couldn't even sell used cars. Couldn't read the sales contract. It was painful to watch him try to read. I have no reason to believe this "problem" has been "fixed."
Dwayne " the pearl" Washington got a score in the 600s on his SAT..spent 6 years in High School but still got recruited for the Syracuse Orangemen..then went to the NBA after his freshman season
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