Bluray Titles LONG WAIT and NOT AVAILABLE in Store ???

I guess it must just be hit or miss, since I've had no real problems since it started up a few months back. Every disc is pretty consistent in getting back the next day, and the next one arriving two days later. I have three or four new releases at a time queued, and one usually is ready to go by the time I send another back. Got Paranormal Activity 3 the next weekend that it came out. It's all just a nice bonus for us, since I'm actually more interested in old HD movies from the platinum channels anyway. And usually have a backup on the DVR of things to watch. The blu rays are our little connection to new flicks.
Three online complaint forms and 13 days later still no signs that anything will be shipped but after demanding a refund they finally sent me an in store coupon for one movie. This "one at a time unlimited" service, sure is limited (by their title availability).
I've pretty much gone back to using Redbox for new releases. Every Bluray I try to add to the BBMP queue is either Long Wait or Very Long Wait, yet there are so many Redbox around here, no problem getting new releases.
I was in my local Blockbuster store today and noticed they now have some copies of "Midnight In Paris" stocked in Blu-ray. (Now that everybody who wanted to rent it in Blu-ray when it was released has already seen it.)
I usually have good luck getting the new release Blurays I want as in store exchanges. I have recently started shifting DVDs and Blurays that aren't available at my local store to the top of my queue and getting everything else as exchanges.

That is a very good strategy and seems to work very well for me also, king3pj.

Additionally (not directed at king3pj...just a general comment), as an update on my queue, I have 19 "Not Yet Available" titles that aren't part of the active queue, so we can't count those since many aren't out in theaters yet.

However, for the actual queue I have 45 titles showing. Of those titles I have one "Long Wait" and one "Very Long Wait". There are 7 "Short Wait" titles. One of my "Short Wait" titles was just sent to me, so sometimes those do ship. 36 of 45 are "Available" now. All but one of my wait titles are showing available at my local store.

Since only movies that I want to watch are in my really doesn't matter all that much to me what comes next. Seriously, every movie was a new release at some point. If a person hasn't watched it before, it is new to them. So no matter where it is in their queue, if they put it there it means they want to watch it. I truly don't understand all the complaining about getting shipped a movie lower in the queue. That is your preferred order, sure, but every title someone puts in their queue they are telling Blockbuster that they want to watch that movie so please send this disc.

It may not be the preferred order, but lots of things in life aren't in the preferred order. For example, I'd like to get paid before doing any work, but it just doesn't seem to work that way. :rolleyes:

Now if they are shipping you movies that aren't in your queue at all then I'd understand a complaint. If they aren't shipping you any movies, I understand the complaint...unless you don't have 30-40 movies in your queue in which case you are really limiting the selection and I truly believe if you don't have that many in your queue a subscription service isn't your best option, you should be doing Redbox or a local video store. I've heard people say that they have around 10 movies in their queue. Seriously??? Why would you pay for a subscription every month if that's all you want to see. You could knock that list out quickly from a local source.

My 2 cents. :hatsoff:
Here we have had 4 blockbuster stores near me close. So I get no store exchanges unless I drive 10-15 miles each way to a blockbuster that carries Blu ray. I have over 50 titles in my queue. Over 20 are unavailable. Over 20 are very long wait. Some such as Orpheus and South Pacific have been waiting for over 3 months. I had been receiving about 2-3 Blu-rays per week before Dish started offering package. Now I receive 1-2 Blu-rays a week. What I hate is that online all the stores are listed as having copies to rent. It is only when one arrives that one notices the store is only open for sales; not rentals. Your take of short queue's does not address the fact that Dish is not providing titles at all or dish is providing such small quantities of titles that there may only be a few number for an entire region.(again South Pacific et al).
When I had Blockbuster online, the first 2 weeks was cool. They send me all the new release and top movies in SHORT/LONG WAIT within a day or two. Then, it gotten worse and worse, they just select someone as available or no movies.

You can go to Blockbuster/Redbox machine and get them faster.
The last few titles I have received my first choice new release at the top of my queue. I've noticed an improvement lately. No complaints here! ;)

What were those titles? And what year were they originally released?

And were they DVD or BluRay, as you apparently cannot see any difference?
What were those titles? And what year were they originally released?

And were they DVD or BluRay, as you apparently cannot see any difference?

All Bluray titles...I have received the following on the week of release lately:
In time, The Thing, Scorpion King 3 (mistake...don't watch it), Columbiana, Paranormal Activity 3.

As you see, all very recent releases to Bluray. ;)
I know this may be a hard question to answer as people who hold on to disks longer then a while. But with renting and returning how many new movies per month are you averaging a month
I know this may be a hard question to answer as people who hold on to disks longer then a while. But with renting and returning how many new movies per month are you averaging a month

I currently have the three out at a time plan, however, considering dropping that down for a while as we have a lot of things coming up that would keep us busy on weekends for a few months and weekends are when we watch the largest percentage of movies. We're not really "power users" who try to turn movies quickly to maximize investment into the program anyway, and to be honest 3 out at a time is probably overkill for us, but it was such a good deal I jumped on it when it was announced.

We typically use Netflix streaming during the week along with the shows we DVR, and weekends are movie time for us. That said, I have had 6 movies in a weekend before when we've had time to watch all three and all three in-store exchanges. Looking at my rental history though, it looks like 17 movies was my top month (almost 6 per disc out at a time).

Normal shipping time to me has been two days from the day BB says it shipped...although over the last couple of weeks it has gone to only one day as I've been getting the Monday shipments on Tuesday. Hope that info helps a little with your inquiry.
royrdsjr said:
"Nude Nuns With Big Guns" says available right now so I moved it to the top of my list. With my luck,now that I've done that,it'll say "very long wait."

I am on the one disc plan. I have had 11 disc in the last month. Use in store exchange for all disc. DVds mailed from Houston usually take two days, but my queue says allow three.
I know this may be a hard question to answer as people who hold on to disks longer then a while. But with renting and returning how many new movies per month are you averaging a month

One at a time by mail & return in store plan (new release bluray discs in my queue only):
Before Dish took over I got 7-8 discs a month.
After Dish took over I now get 2-3 discs a month.

The disc part of this plan is now a waste. I have to email BB customer support every week and demand a store coupon because they don't ship me anything at all in the mail. I've asked for a refund and BB told me "this is a non billed account so that is not possible". I can't drop the plan or I loose platinum channels. They have us trapped. They are trying to force us to use $6.99 PPV for new releases by limiting stock. The "Unlimited discs by mail" plan is crippled.
I've been getting 8 @ month, all by mail, all Blurays---the nearest store is not "near" enough. I'm on the "2 @ a time" plan. Not quite as fast shipping as Netflix was but since we already were Platinum HD subs it's been a good deal for us for $5 @ month more than we were paying.

I've been getting 8 @ month, all by mail, all Blurays---the nearest store is not "near" enough. I'm on the "2 @ a time" plan. Not quite as fast shipping as Netflix was but since we already were Platinum HD subs it's been a good deal for us for $5 @ month more than we were paying.

I've noticed that I've been getting the next movie in my que sent out to me a few days before the receive in the movie I just sent back. I'm assuming they have tracking on them so they can see when the movie hits your local post office, and as soon as they see that they send out your next movie??

Also Trying to find the distribution centers for them is quite hard, I've seen a few listings that show one in Pittsburgh PA, well I'm in Erie Pa which is only a few hours away but yet my movies get sent from Dallas Tx and get returned to somehwere in NC.
Yes,they're shipping me "Nude Nuns With Bigs Guns." :whoo: I only had a short wait,plus they shipped me Dream House before I could switch my choice to Nude Nuns With Big Guns.

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