Bluray Strikes Back!!

So, do you think Fox will really release From Hell this time around? Wasn't that title already bumped several times from 2006?

Hopefully they re-encode Robocop. That would be a nice one. I'll pass if its the same POC that was reviewed last year.


You mean Josh Zyber's review at DVDTalk?

"Holy crap in a can, this disc looks horrible! . . . No movie is supposed to look like this. . . . The people responsible for it should hang their heads in shame and never work in the industry again." :p

That was the last encode Sony ever did for MGM, that's when MGM decided Fox should do their releasing. :rolleyes:

No, there's a new Fox encode for the 20th Anniversary 2 Disk DVD being released today, so the BD should be from this new transfer. I had the DVD on pre-order, so Thank You Fox for your rushed announcement yesterday. :)

Robocop & Starship Troopers are two of my all time faves.
Did you guys see this?? - Dissecting the Insanity: What does the Paramount deal really mean?

And I quote:
Dissecting the Insanity: What does the Paramount deal really mean?
Posted August 21, 2007 by Josh

When the press release was issued stating that Paramount would be supporting HD DVD exclusively, it was a huge shock to the Blu-ray community. What would drive a movie studio to abandon the more widely adopted high definition format, abandoning potentially millions of Blu-ray consumers, for an inferior, under-supported format? As we found out, it was a red suitcase filled with $150M and the promise to extend this needless format war for another 18 months.

Paramount hasn't been a huge player in the high definition war thus far; they've only managed to produce 33 titles for Blu-ray. In sharp contrast, Fox/MGM has so far released 38 titles (over the course of six months) and has another 29 planned for the remainder of the year. Additionally, Paramount has been the slowest to adopt the latest technology, just recently adding AVC support (with 'Flags of Our Fathers') and almost supporting lossless audio (a PCM track was planned for 'Blades of Glory'). Their releases are solid, but not even close to the presentations delivered by diehard Blu-ray supporters Disney and Sony.

So why did the HD DVD Promo Group pay $150M for exclusive support if that support would be weak? Very simply, they were in deep trouble heading into the forth quarter of the year. Universal, previously the only exclusive HD DVD studio, had seriously bombed in the theater during the summer months, meaning they had few if any blockbuster release for the holiday season on home video. HD DVD needed a reason to exist, and an ultra special edition of 'Evan Almighty' just wasn't going to cut it.

Essentially, they spent $150M for the exclusive rights to 'Transformers' and 'Shrek the Third'; and of course, potentially, any other Paramount/Dreamworks blockbusters released in the next year. What remains to be seen is if these high profile releases can do what other exclusive high profile releases have failed to achieve: sell HD DVD players.

What the HD DVD Promo Group really bought was one year of life-support for the ailing format. An end to this war was penciled in for early next year, but with this recent shift in support, there is little hope for that now. The shift adds more confusion to an already confusing format war, and consumers will simply stay away until the dust settles; and who can blame them? If a studio can be so easily bought, why shouldn't they hold out until the HD DVD Promo Group is ready to buy their support as well?

The obvious first reaction is what you have been witnessing on this website and others: panic. It is easy to let a big press release make you doubt why you chose Blu-ray in the first place, but Paramount's support wasn't the only reason. I can't lie, the news does sting as I have enjoyed many Paramount releases, but I won't let it sway my stance. Stay "Tru Blu" and keep supporting Blu-ray. Resist supporting an inferior technology for one or two movies, and enjoy the countless classics currently on and coming soon to Blu-ray. The best Hollywood studios, most respected producers and directors, and even Paramount's own engineering staff prefer Blu-ray over HD DVD. They all have voices, and not even $150B will be enough to silence them all.

*This is an opinion piece by Josh Dreuth, and does not necessarily reflect the feelings of, its owners, employees, or members.*

(* Does not necessarily.... but probably does. ;) )

So, this means a few titles I can't watch for maybe 18 months until the insanity dies out.
I stopped taking it seriously at 'for an inferior, under-supported format'.

If someone wants to sway me, they can try and do it without sesationalizing things, thanks. In the big picture, they're both far from inferior, and neither supported all that much.

It's what I'd expect from such a slanted article. Paramount is one of the good old boys, part of the whole 'overwhelming studio support' when its on their side, but now that it switched it's 33 titles are discounted as insignifigant and their value portrayed as crap. Add in doom and gloom and I was expecting it to be a Sony press release by the time it concluded. Here, I'll attach my image again for the guy's next post:


  • bluraywinnarrrr.jpg
    27.9 KB · Views: 154
The "war" would be over if a respected company created a dual format player, even it it were a "dual well" deal. One tray for BD, one tray for HD-DVD.
...What would drive a movie studio to abandon the more widely adopted high definition format... for an inferior, under-supported format?
...HD DVD needed a reason to exist, and an ultra special edition of 'Evan Almighty' just wasn't going to cut it.
...An end to this war was penciled in for early next year, but with this recent shift in support, there is little hope for that now.
...Resist supporting an inferior technology for one or two movies, and enjoy the countless classics currently on and coming soon to Blu-ray.
This is the problem with BD: childish behaviour bordering with stupidity.

---The victory was ours, "penciled in for early next year", some shills even talked about September
(and others can't get out of a coma it didn't happen a year ago) - and now some Shmo took at away.
They didn't really take it away - we are gonna win anyway - but the consumers, consumers, man...
They are stupid and confused... And now it will be even worse...

Look at us: we're clean and honest and world peace is the only thing we worry about.
And those bastards with a red suitecase of money...---

I strongly believe, the longer this continues (and at the moment it is getting worse by the hour), the less chances they have to ever learn what "victory" is.

When I wrote my original response, I didnt realize that it was on the official Blu-Ray site.

I am sure some of the execs of the companies they currently work with are wondering what will be written about them if they ever decide to go neutral - or worse - exclusive with HDDVD. Really is not cool to dump on a former partner, especially given the circumstances. So not only are you dumping on them, but you are minimizing their capabilities to contribute to ANY side of this war, AND THEN expect them to produce for your format once this exclusivity deal runs it's course as if nothing ever happened.

This smacks more of Myspace ex-boyfriend/girlfriend drama than of competing businesses.
When I wrote my original response, I didnt realize that it was on the official Blu-Ray site.

Just to prevent any confusion: is not affiliated with the Blu-ray Disc Association! It's just a Blu-ray fan site.
I am sure some of the execs of the companies they currently work with are wondering what will be written about them...
I think you mixed things up...
US Presidents by the end of their second term start thinking about public opinion and such...
Company exec - the higher, the more so - never gives a f*ck about it. And always has a reason:
"Maximizing shareholder's value". You can twist this 'til the cows come home... Or you are fired.
Really is not cool to dump on a former partner... long as this partnership is greenish in color with Benjamin face on it.
When those are gone - so is love.

Just to prevent any confusion: is not affiliated with the Blu-ray Disc Association! It's just a Blu-ray fan site.

Exactly. Even before you start reading some of the amateur, poorly written propaganda, the "Ads by Goggle" give you a hint that this is a fan site, nothing to do with the BDA.

Great "Mission Accomplished pic, Elstevo. :up:up:up:up :D
This is the problem with BD: childish behaviour bordering with stupidity.



but the consumers, consumers, man...
They are stupid and confused...

Look at us: we're clean and honest.

Who is us?

Gee, you don't have much good to say about anybody, talk about childish behavior.
Ah, my bad on the officialness of what is essentially a fan blog.

Thanks for the clarification :)

I apologize if my posts are a little more 'punchy' than they usually are, a little stressed today working on wedding stuff... 7 months and 18 days out.
....This smacks more of Myspace ex-boyfriend/girlfriend drama than of competing businesses.

Well, tempers are definitely flared!

Better to see real passion and real responses than posturing and scrubbed replies from PR departments. You are seeing some real heat! A bit melodramatic perhaps.

Surely more shoes will be dropping soon! Stay tuned!
No, there's a new Fox encode for the 20th Anniversary 2 Disk DVD being released today, so the BD should be from this new transfer. I had the DVD on pre-order, so Thank You Fox for your rushed announcement yesterday.
That's great news! No more of that crap in a can. :) I guess the wait is worth it if they get it right in the end!

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