I am not supporting these FTA recivers.... Personally I think that forectec and pansat should stop making the models that abled to be modified and come out wiht a new generation that somehow prevents tampering.... Example the box has a way to update it self via the computer ( yes i know this is how those pirates are geting the illegal priate software on there well one possible way to curb this is when a legal update for the unit be it from fortec or pansat or whoever they incoprorate Digital signature on the firmware and only files with the manufactures Digital sig get installed. Some may ask why should any fta reciver maker care if some one steals service from dish or bev. But the fact is I belive that the companies do not want the rep of supporting pirates... Now while some of the people I know are diffently far from the brightest... but one person I know heard about that fortect unit and then walked into a local shop saw fortec and then called the police because they thought the dealer was selling illegal hardware. that is just a example But I have already written Fortect about some examples of using a RSA5 key to digital encrypt and digitally sign firmware updates allowing only fortect authorized firmware updates. They seem eager to learn more I sent them everything i had on it.
For petere S bain who screaming Hack Talk I am sure he would not like cops all over his place snooping around just because something thinks he dealing with illegal stuff. Not that he is but the word is getting out people dont know the facts so they go thinking perfectly legal fta boxes like foretec or pansat are illegal black boxes.... All I am doing is trying to clear up a mis conception saying it can happen to any number of reciever makes and models. It is just the latest gimmick for crooked people to make money off What is commonly known as Free TVers ones who do not see this as a challenge of techincall skill but just willing to pay anything to cheat dish or bev or whoever out of service.
Again if dish wanted my information I would of already contacted me.