Blu-ray Software Deals

Fry's this weekend

40 Year Old Virgin -- $19.99
Knocked Up -- $19.99
Dare Devil -- $26.99
Dawn of the Dead -- $19.99
Iron Man -- $24.99
Forgetting Sarah Marshall -- $26.99
The Thing -- $19.99
The Sixth Sense -- $24.99
When We Left Earth (Discovery Channel) -- $34.99

Disney catalogs -- $17.99 :confused:
A Bridge to Terabithia
Hannah Montana
College Road Trip
Sky High

Disney catalogs -- $13.99 (San Jose only)
Haunted Mansion
Remember the Titans
The Rookie
Looks like the exchange rate is swinging our way again to make iNetVideo even a bit cheaper!

$1 US = about $1.15 CA...

Oops - in the words of the immortal Emily Litella..."Never mind!"
I now see that the link dfergie gave has the prices all in USD... (Last time I went with iNetVideo it was in Canadian, IIRC, and the exchange rate wasn't helping any...!)
Best price for POTC box set ??

Hi all. The Pirates of the Carribean 3-disk set caught my eye at BB. I found it at Amazon for $55 new, shipped. Does anyone know of a better price elsewhere? TIA...
Went for the deal at Amazon. They also had a deal if you sign-up for their "Rewards" Visa card they knock $30 off the first bill, so in essence I'll get that 3-disk set for $24.95!

(I already have a Chase Rewards card - same issuer as for the Amazon card - and I really enjoy/benefit from that program. I always pay my bills in full every month so there is no direct cost to me. And I can get up to $300 in a calendar year in cash bonus. The problem with my current card is that I already "maxed out" the bonus for this year! It will be cool if this new Amazon card gives me the same program!)
Big Blu-Ray Sale at Fry's this weekend

Sony and Paramount Catalogs -- $13.99 ea.
Starship Troopers
Men in Black
The Patriot
Jerry MacGuire
Top Gun
The Fifth Element
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
In the Line of Fire
XXX: State of the Union
Hellboy 1 (obviously)
Flags of our Fathers
Black Hawk Down
The Hunt for Red October
Can't Hardly Wait

Disney Catalogs -- $14.99 ea.
The Rock
King Arthur
Con Air
Crimson Tide
Shall We Dance
Coyote Ugly

MGM Catalogs (Bond collection) -- $16.99 ea.
Die Another Day
From Russia With Love
Dr. No
For Your Eye Only
Live and Let Die

Casino Royale -- $26.99
The Godfather Collection -- $49.99
I was doing some window shopping in a strip mall in Tulsa, OK and saw a blu ray display at one of the Game eXchange stores. I walked and saw that 95% of their stock had used BDs priced at $19.99. When I saw Nightmare before Christmas, I couldn't pass it up.
Then I saw the first season of Mad Men for the same price. Payday was the next day, so I came back to get it.
The clerk said that they are very particular in accepting used disks. The disks can't have any scratches on them. While I was in the store, some guy had his Xbox 360 disk rejected for too many scratches.

I think Game eXchanges are located in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. I'm not sure about any other states.
SOld out and ended. New deal.... All six Bond's for 64.99

[ame=""] James Bond Blu-ray Collection Six-Pack (Dr. No / Die Another Day / Live and Let Die / For Your Eyes Only / From Russia with Love / Thunderball) ( Exclusive) [Blu-ray]: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan: Movies & TV@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

$10 Blu Rays at Wal-Mart

I was at my local Wal-Mart today and found Stargate and Terminator 2 for $10. I bought Terminator 2 when it was $15 and have not watched it yet. So I picked up Stargate. I hope it looks good, but you can't go wrong for $10. My local Wal-Mart does not have a very good selection. Curious to see if other Wal-Marts have the same deal and what others they have marked down.

Netflix Ends DVD Service. GameFly Is An Alternate Choice!

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
