Blu-ray Software Deals

Amazon has this great deal. I already ordered this.
Sleeping Beauty and Pinocchio on Blu Ray for 26.98 shipped

Scroll down to the "Best Value" part and add to cart. It says $10 off, but the checkout is taking $10 off each title, making them $26.98 total.
36.98 shipped.

[ame=] Sleeping Beauty (Two-Disc Platinum Edition + Standard DVD and BD Live) [Blu-ray]: Mary Costa, Bill Shirley, Eleanor Audley, Verna Felton, Barbara Luddy, Barbara Jo Allen, Taylor Holmes, Bill Thompson, Bill Amsbery, Candy Candido, Pinto Co[/ame]


I'm confused by your post.
Are you saying it's $36.98 for both disc?

My credit card was charged $26.98 , I just checked it . That's for both disc blu ray. They give you a discount of $20.

Copy of my charge
Subtotal of Items: $46.98 Shipping & Handling: $3.97 Best Value Savings: -$20.00 Super Saver Discount: -$3.97 Magazine promotion: -$0.00 ------ Total for this Order: $26.98

FYI this deal is now gone.
I got mine for that price. So did many on the blu site.
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OK Bond fans. If you bougt vol. 1 & 2 like I did, you'll want this deal:

Best Buy (I hate them) is doing $25 off purchase of 2 sets. Volume 3 (Goldfinger, Moonraker, and World is Not Enough) comes out Tuesday 3/24).

Best Buy has an exclusive set with Quantum/Solace, Licence to Kill, and Man with Golden Gun. This set is "expected" to be the official volume 4. LK and MWGG are both already announced for release 5/12, so this would be reasonable, because they only announced those two for release that day.

So here's the deal:

Get Volume 3 & hopefully Volume 4 for $93.00 this week or instore starting Tuesday.

Save $25 Bond 007 Blu-ray Disc Sets Offer

Netflix Ends DVD Service. GameFly Is An Alternate Choice!

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
