That link does not state that 1.1 players can have less memory. That was part of a question. The answer noted that regardless of the amount of memory, it is possible to run out, and the viewer might need to make a choice what to keep/erase.
AVS Forum - View Single Post - Insiders Tracking Thread: post it hereThe requirement is for the capability to support 256MB (or 1GB for BD-Live) of local storage, not that it has to be embedded in the player. It's perfectly allowable for this storage to be supported via SD or USB flash memory, off-board USB hard drive, or networked storage.
I'm offering you my condolences to your comprehension abilities.That link does not state that 1.1 players can have less memory.
That link does not state that 1.1 players can have less memory. That was part of a question. The answer noted that regardless of the amount of memory, it is possible to run out, and the viewer might need to make a choice what to keep/erase.
Amir has already posted the link to the PDF. AFAIK all of today's players are Level 1: Xbox and Toshiba for sure, not sure about the PC players.
Would somene care to ask the BD folks for a link to a simple list of the differences between their Profiles? (There are like five profile levels now I hear).
Before you put him on the spot, I think what Andy means is that you have 5 profiles because from content authoring point of view, now you need to accomodate every profile of the player with and without memory. In other words, in the field, you will have:
1. BD Profile 1.0 players
2. BD Profile 1.1 players with no memory
3. BD Profile 1.1. players with memory
4. BD Profile 2.0 players with no memory
5. BD profile 2.0 players with memory.
Just what they were thinking is beyond me....
While he is looking up his sources, can you give me yours for this? I know the new models don't have the PS2 EE chip in them, but would love to hear where the info is for the rest.The new models do not have the PS3 chip in them, the cost of the blue laser is 1/10th of what it was when the PS3 launched last fall, going to a 40GB drive drops the price in half for the harddrive
I think you mean the PS2 chip.The new models do not have the PS3 chip in them
CochiseGuy, Where are you getting your figures on the cost of the PS3. The new models do not have the PS3 chip in them, the cost of the blue laser is 1/10th of what it was when the PS3 launched last fall, going to a 40GB drive drops the price in half for the harddrive and -- oh well, I guess you think that electronics gets more expensive to produce the longer it is on the market.
Remember I said that statement was a rumor and a very big one at that. The TGS is just around the corner and we will not have to wait long to see if that is in Sony's plans for this XMAS. While I personally don't see this happening it could fit a market out there that everyone including M$ has said is there and Sony is ignoring it.
I am glad that you are happy with your HD-DVD. There is just not enough current titles coming out on HD-DVD to make me happy. And certainly having only 4 or 5 exclusive releases of current movies this fall is not enoungh to make me lust after HD-DVD. There will be plenty on BD exclusives (perhaps more then I can afford) that I want this XMAS and plenty of titles that will be available to both formats so I will not be having any letdown because I pick BD for my HD fix.
PSince the system's launch production costs have been reduced significantly as a result of phasing out the EE chip.
Sony has removed a CXD9208GP, 2 RDRAM chips.
So, based on your likes the Dreamworks deal is not that appealing to you?
There's a big pile of 'em at my local Costco. Right next to a big pile of BD players that cost twice as much.John, tell me, where is the average Joe going to find those Toshiba players?
They are equally prominent in my local Best Buy.In Circuit City and Best Buy even though they carry the Toshiba HD-DVD players - they do not show them prominently.
Toshiba made a bad bet. They bet on cheap players pulling in the average Joe. Well, the average Joe doesn't even have an HDTV yet, or know how to feed it a high def signal if he does.
Early adopters are willing to pay a premium. Indeed, we have paid- and quite a premium, for those of us that bought our HDTVs years ago. With my $3,000 HDTV, am I more concerned about saving money by buying a $250 player rather than a $500 player? Or am I more concerned about performance, available titles, and format longevity?
Toshiba made a bad bet. They bet on cheap players pulling in the average Joe. Well, the average Joe doesn't even have an HDTV yet, or know how to feed it a high def signal if he does.
Early adopters are willing to pay a premium. Indeed, we have paid- and quite a premium, for those of us that bought our HDTVs years ago. With my $3,000 HDTV, am I more concerned about saving money by buyinnd format leg a $250 player rather than a $500 player? Or am I more concerned about performance, available titles, and format longevity?
Toshiba made a bad bet. They bet on cheap players pulling in the average Joe. Well, the average Joe doesn't even have an HDTV yet, or know how to feed it a high def signal if he does.
Early adopters are willing to pay a premium. Indeed, we have paid- and quite a premium, for those of us that bought our HDTVs years ago. With my $3,000 HDTV, am I more concerned about saving money by buying a $250 player rather than a $500 player? Or am I more concerned about performance, available titles, and format longevity?
It'll be over by Xmas '08. I'll bet good money on that. (The date, not on which format will win, that is.)If this is the case, then the battle for supremacy will last for quite a while. It may be 2 or 3 years before this is resolved.
What will constitute a win?It'll be over by Xmas '08. I'll bet good money on that.
PS3There's got to be a reason Blu-ray outsells HD DVD around 2 to 1. We may come up with the correct reason, or not. But there's a reason.