meStevo Gooney Goo Goo Lifetime Supporter Aug 20, 2004 21,803 27,904 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Apr 9, 2010 #21 Yes, I am glad my neighbor is not building the VLA next door. Although as a new homeowner i had to pull weeds for the first time in my life after 2 warnings about them... what a pain in the arse that was.
Yes, I am glad my neighbor is not building the VLA next door. Although as a new homeowner i had to pull weeds for the first time in my life after 2 warnings about them... what a pain in the arse that was.
TheForce SatelliteGuys Master Supporting Founder Pub Member / Supporter Oct 13, 2003 40,278 16,003 Jacksonville, FL, Earth Apr 19, 2010 #22 You have to pull weeds in the desert? I've been to Vegas. I've been in the desert. You don't know what pulling weeds is all about until you have to do in in Florida, or any other eastern state.
You have to pull weeds in the desert? I've been to Vegas. I've been in the desert. You don't know what pulling weeds is all about until you have to do in in Florida, or any other eastern state.