hah.. good ridance to HD-DVD... ;0 this damned war needs to end soon! ;0 Koodos to blockbuster for picking the clear winner!!!!!!!!! ;0
He's covering his bases in case(will never happen) had to go back and add a full line of HDDVD.
You are still in denial. This has started a ball rolling with the media hoopla that will not stop over the next "12-18" mo's.
BR was late to the party, more expensive(still is) and is still outselling HDDVD 3 to 1. When Toshiba touts player sales numbers they dont acknowledge the PS3, which is one of the main reasons HDDVD is getting drummed right now.
Put em ebay while you can still sell em fellas.
I hope you like Crow 'cause you gonna be eatin' some.
This news isn't as big as you fanbois are makin' it.
Did you listen at all to the interview or are you like a woman and just hear what you want to hear?
This has started a ball rolling with the media hoopla that will not stop over the next "12-18" mo's.
BR was late to the party, more expensive(still is) and is still outselling HDDVD 3 to 1.
When Toshiba touts player sales numbers they dont acknowledge the PS3, which is one of the main reasons HDDVD is getting drummed right now.
Put em ebay while you can still sell em fellas.
I haven't been inside a Blockbuster Video store since the previous millennium. And I love Netflix. But, anyway you slice it, not good news for HD DVD.
And let's not be gratuitously disrespectful toward women. I'm rather fond of them, myself.
Not sure where this came from...I guess I should read back farther...but, I agree...They are smooth, and soft...and they smell good!
Did you listen at all to the interview or are you like a woman and just hear what you want to hear?
Navy was referrring to this.
I agree.It is a big deal. it is not the end of the war but it is silly to claim that every announcement favoring your format is significant and everyone favoring the other is not. blockbuster is the biggest cahin out there. they do not control the market but it is nws when the biggest chain makes a decision.
I agree.