Well my saga with BBMP goes on. After finally getting my 2 disc subscription updated correctly, I had to call Dish because I've yet to receive a second disc since they received my 2 discs back on 10-10-11. Of course it took 2 calls to Dish due to wrong info from the first CSR. The second CSR had me call a different phone number for BBMP that was directly to BB Customer Service (which is a little frustrating, when on the old BB web site it tells you that you need to contact Dish for everything). Anyway, the CSR at BB check to see if I had a "stuck slot" (whatever that means), he said I didn't but I needed to add more discs to my queue. Now I had 10 discs in my queue, out of the 10 2 said they were available right now. I asked why one of these weren't sent out and he stated that "just because it shows available "now" it could still go to another subscriber that had it on their queue before me". OK...Whatever?? Bottom line I added about 20 more movies to my queue, and I want to see what happens now.
I've been with Dish over 2 years now, and I've been pretty happy with them as a whole. And I think this BBMP is pretty great too because it is saving me some cash compared to what I was paying with NF or my old BB subscription. It's just aggravating that when a problem does happen, it takes so long to correct it and, once again, every Dish CSR you talk to has a different version of what's going on.
OK, now that I vented a little, here's my data for the thread:
Fairdale, KY (considered part of Louisville, mailing wise)
Mailed disc back Saturday
BB recv'd Monday
New Disc sent out Monday
I recv'd Thursday
When I had Netflix:
Mailed disc back Saturday
NF recv'd Monday
New disc sent out Monday
I recv'd disc Wednesday