Blockbuster Movie Pass performance thread

Don, I did not intend to insult you, but merely bring up the fact, that as you agreed, YMMV depending on the titles you put in you que. When I was with Netflix, I learned to not even bother to add new releases into my que for at least three or four weeks after release. Also keep in mind, BB got a MASSIVE infusion of new customers just this weekend, all wanting to try it out immediately...just like you. So, perhaps I might have been feeling impatience/disappointment on your part. Just keep in mind the circumstances at play, especially in this beginning period...a TON of NEW demand and a limited supply. I would hope that there would be no rush to judgement. Rather (not just you, everyone) give it time to even out and then decide.
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Just checked the mail...dvd is here...only took one day not bad...shipped from texas I live in charlotte...return envelope has charlotte address
I added 30 titles to the new Blockbuster queue on Saturday. Today two of them show 'very long wait', one shows 'long wait', and the rest are still 'now'. It shows that I will get my first choice on Thursday ('The Irony of Fate, Or: Enjoy your Bath'). I will only get the first half of the movie since it is a two-disc set, but that is a known hazard with one-disc-at-a-time rental plans.

All the titles I added Saturday were taken from my Netflix 'saved' queue. The disc I am getting on Thursday has been in the 'saved' queue for five years. So, I will be a happy camper if it comes at all: Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, I can wait a few more days.
Just checked the mail...dvd is here...only took one day not bad...shipped from texas I live in charlotte...return envelope has charlotte address
Did it arrive earlier than your email notification said?
When I was with Netflix, I learned to not even bother to add new releases into my que for at least three or four weeks after release.
Does Netflix still "throttle" non-new customers on new releases, that is, appear to give preference to new releases to newer customers ? I personally saw it happen (at least I have to suspect so). When I first signed up, they'd ship the newest releases right away if they were in my queue. As time went on, I'd no longer get those new releases, instead, I'd get #2 or # 3 or lower from my queue. Many co-workers and friends observed the same.
Does Netflix still "throttle" non-new customers on new releases, that is, appear to give preference to new releases to newer customers ? I personally saw it happen (at least I have to suspect so). When I first signed up, they'd ship the newest releases right away if they were in my queue. As time went on, I'd no longer get those new releases, instead, I'd get #2 or # 3 or lower from my queue. Many co-workers and friends observed the same.

In the past few years I've only seen this with people who really stretch the system by sending DVDs back the same day they are received or the next day. Doing this every now and then doesn't seem to be an issue, but doing it over a period of time causes a slowdown in processing, usually received a day later and mailed out a day later. Skipping over titles at the top of the queue is more related to that title not being available in the 1-day circle of distribution centers that serve you. If this happens again, they usually ship an available disk from a distant center as well as the next available one in your queue at no additional cost to make up for the inconvenience. I've had 4 out at a time on a 3-out plan. I don't usually have more out than 3 a week and the not locally available disks were usually not new releases but older titles. This has been my experience. I'm sure others have had different ones.
Just to warn everyone, Blockbuster will soon (next month) have the same 28 day delay as Netflix does on Warner Bros. titles, and if History means anything, that means the other studios will soon follow.

That is how it happened in 2009 with Netflix/Redbox, Warner was the first, them Fox, Universal and Sony soon followed.

From the link-
A distributor has told Home Media Magazine that the delayed release window will be extended to include all rental operations starting in November. He said, "Some of the Warner reps have called our key customers to let them know about this upcoming change."

Warner looks to expand 28 day release window beyond kiosks and online rental - AfterDawn

Warner Altering Distribution to Rental Channels? | Home Media Magazine
Do the studios actually think this will make people like myself, who *never buy movies, will run out to buy the latest releases!? I'll wait the 28 days for the rental.
Do the studios actually think this will make people like myself, who *never buy movies, will run out to buy the latest releases!? I'll wait the 28 days for the rental.

I can't imagine the studios would be doing this unless it makes them more money. Then again, I didn't think the music business would be dumb enough to kill itself off. DVD sales are down last I heard and I doubt this action will help any. Most people can wait or go to a dollar theater if they have to see it ahead of time. Plus there Dish's, Direct, and the others that will still have them available early --- for a price. I usually don't buy movies new anyway. I wait until they're $5 at Blockbuster or Walmart if I want to buy one. The only exception is Harry Potters that I buy for a niece in Canada and that's coming to an end here shortly with the release of the last one.
Do the studios actually think this will make people like myself, who *never buy movies, will run out to buy the latest releases!? I'll wait the 28 days for the rental.
Yes, they do.... I hate to break it to them, but if I really, really want to watch a movie as soon as it's released (we do buy SOME, the Harry Potter movies, for example, or Toy Story, but not too many), I'll go to Blockbuster and pay $4-5. Otherwise, I'll wait for it to show up at Redbox.
Video games have quite a wait. Of the five in my queue, four have waits. They don't have many new releases, either. Not important to me, but a serious gamer wouldn't find BBMP satisfactory.
A serious gamer BUYS the game they like at 12:01am the day it's released, plays it and "beats" it within a few days, and sells it at the used-game store, don't they ?? :D
A serious gamer BUYS the game they like at 12:01am the day it's released, plays it and "beats" it within a few days, and sells it at the used-game store, don't they ?? :D

Or they have a hacked box and download the torrent two weeks before a game is released.
... Looks like the e-mail notice I got today is I'm being passed over for the first 4 and will receive #5 on my list, ETA is Thursday. BY comparison, I ordered the same title as #1 in my list from Netflix and it arrived today!

Exact same thing happened to me. I think they sent me my #5 or #6 in my queue even though my top titles said available NOW. I increased my willing to wait time to 2 days, but I'm not happy about it. My only consolation is that I don't consume movies as fast as I used to. Pretty lame though, bad start.
My first choice arrived today (email said to expect tomorrow). One day shipping is something they are capable of from my previous experience. Unfortunately, so is 3 and 4 day shipping at times. Nevertheless, I'm happy about this first shipment under the new BBMP label.
My Monday ship did not arrive today, but since Ive been with them long enough, I expect it to get here tomorrow. Now that my 3 out at a time with Movie Pass is fixed, be curious to see what ships tomorrow.
Exact same thing happened to me. I think they sent me my #5 or #6 in my queue even though my top titles said available NOW. I increased my willing to wait time to 2 days, but I'm not happy about it. My only consolation is that I don't consume movies as fast as I used to. Pretty lame though, bad start.

Similar experience here except they passed over 2 current movies (released to DVD about a month ago) that actually show as available (almost all current movies do not) to send me a 1996 movie WAY down on my list. Go figger............:rolleyes:


BTW, they received my last return Monday. Today (Tuesday) they finally said they shipped this old movie which in my experience so far (6 wks.) really isn't going to be in the mail until tomorrow
Got my first choice movie today and watched it this evening. Will take to BB tomorrow and trade for an xBox game my son wants. In my queue there was a short wait for his game but the game was available in local BB so I moved Paul to the top of the list which had no wait so i could see a movie and trade it quickly instead of waiting. By the way Paul is much better than I thought it was going to be. The game my son wants is Fable III.

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