Interested in trying these. Any place in particular you recommend downloading OpenATV and PurE2 from?

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These will most likely boot in 50Hz mode. If you don't have a multi-rate monitor, I think you can cycle through modes with the up and down keys til you find something that displays at all, then after you've locked that in you can go back through the menus and select the exact resolution you want. (I've seen some E2 images for other receivers that would helpfully display the mode on the front panel LED as part of the setup wizard, I don't know why everybody doesn't do that!) Alternately, the WebIF is enabled by default and I think the ethernet port is too, so if you plug it into a network that contains a DHCP server you should be able to set it up from your computer.
The other annoyance to be dealt with is that once you're up and running, pressing the up and down buttons doesn't immediately change the channel, but instead brings up the channel list. This can be modified, but it's not as simple as selecting "Neutrino style" in TNAP, in fact in PurE2 it took quite a bit of time to find -- it really is a "kitchen sink" type image, but don't let that put you off, it doesn't behave as if it's bloated, it's quite responsive in fact, it just takes a while to figure out where they've put everything.
The other image I played with for a while was SatDreamGr. It was OK til it crashed (I don't remember what I was doing at the time), so I bailed on it. To note: SatDreamGr will happily accept a backup of TNAP's settings. TNAP was based on SatDreamGr at first, but no longer is, but presumably whatever TNAP is now based on and SatDreamGr must share a common ancestor.