Blackberry Accessories


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 12, 2005
Anyone know of a place to get quality accessories at a reasonable price for Blackberries? I am looking for car chargers and cases.

Thanks in advance!

Great prices, but I have a question specifically for a car charger. Is there any harm (damage to the phone) to buying a cheap universal charger. Years ago I had a cheap car charger destroy my phone. Buying a 4.00 charger makes my wallet and wife happy!
Great prices, but I have a question specifically for a car charger. Is there any harm (damage to the phone) to buying a cheap universal charger. Years ago I had a cheap car charger destroy my phone. Buying a 4.00 charger makes my wallet and wife happy!

If used a cheap (non blackberry) car charger and wall charger with my last 2 blackberries with no problems at all.
Well I do not know quality vs price when it comes to these devices; I have used 2 of theirs on two separate phone for over 2 years without fail, but I am not sure how that would equate. If you need piece of mind and the price for the retail model isn't much more; I would do that instead. Maybe even at your local retailer if that keeps your warranty safer.
I will take your experiences and go in this direction. The price can't be beat. Years ago when I had the issues, the cheap charger came from ebay so who knows. Thanks for your help!

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