Bill's done with this site, guys- and he told me why

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Now we have accusations of people using multiple accounts. :(

I vote this thread gets closed and we go back to talking about sports. People have agendas here, and it's only going to get worse.

Isn't this the sports forum? This thread should be moved to the 'Middle School Drama' forum.

I vote it stays open untill Bill comes in like a man and says whats up. Because if I were Bill I wouldn't want any of my friends running their mouth about my personal status.
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Then the funny thing is, the people who say they don't like the tone of threads are referring to this thread...where THEY are the ones making it nasty.

As for me I have only ANSWERED YOUR QUESTIONS, haven't I?

I started by saying:
ScoBuck said:
Every single member is important to this site. I do however predict that we will move on & thrive regardless of his ultimate decision to go or stay.

Not nasty at all

And then:
ScoBuck said:
Also no disrespect meant to any member, but IIRC, the Sports Section was open and thriving prior to April, wasn't it?
Not nasty at all

What was better about it back then?

And I replied with my opinion.
ScoBuck said:
The overall tone of the forum, and the topics. Just my opinion. I don't moderate this forum.
You further questioned me:
I'm not sure I understand. What tone exists now that didn't exist back then?

What topics did you like better back then?
ScoBuck said:
Take this thread as an example of how I personally feel as to both tone and to topic

So - if you didn't feel the need to ask, I guess it never would have been posted by me.
Coming from a Raiders fan, my team gets pounded pre-season, during season, during commercials and while on vacation with their kids at disneyland and I take every darn bit of it without the need of a diaper, pacifier or a playpen. IMHO Bill either needs to come in and man up and air his out his own issues or this thread needs to just die out because Bill is the one with the issue so he and only he should have started it here out in the open. If he chose not to do that, and ran away crying, then so be it and end the thread because HE obviously just wanted to go away QUIETLY!
As for me I have only ANSWERED YOUR QUESTIONS, haven't I?

I started by saying:

Not nasty at all

And then:

Not nasty at all


And I replied with my opinion.

So - if you didn't feel the need to ask, I guess it never would have been posted by me.

Um...I honestly have no idea what you just said. Of course it's not diffucult to confuse me, I'm just a St. John's girl posting on a sports forum. One of my brothers went to Princeton, I'm sure he'd be all over your post and come back with a witty response.

But not me. Here is my point...or I guess, points.

1. People are in this thread commenting that the forum was better in the good old days...before April, when newcomers migrated here.

2. People are commenting that the reason it was better back then is because of the tone of the threads.

3. People are saying the nasty tone in THIS THREAD is the reason it was better back then.

4. The nasty tone in THIS THREAD (like saying some posters are better than others, etc.) is by the same people who are complaining how it used to be better.

That's why it seems hypocritical to me.

IMHO, the opening post was nasty in tone, had nothing at all to do with sports and by its very nature invited an open discussion regarding what did or did not occur. It began by pointing fingers at other members for their alleged actions didn't it? Start a nasty conversation, odds are it will follow that course.
then if that's the case the thread should be closed. i don't see what good is doing anyways.
IMHO, the opening post was nasty in tone, had nothing at all to do with sports and by its very nature invited an open discussion regarding what did or did not occur. It began by pointing fingers at other members for their alleged actions didn't it?

I was absolutely stunned at the time, and I'm just upset that a friend is gone.

Suppose a member of this site infuriated Sandra to the point where she left. She is also a friend of mine, and I'm just trying to let some of you know what happened.

Besides, I just feel that Bill will sorely be missed on this forum.
IMHO, the opening post was nasty in tone, had nothing at all to do with sports and by its very nature invited an open discussion regarding what did or did not occur. It began by pointing fingers at other members for their alleged actions didn't it? Start a nasty conversation, odds are it will follow that course.

As I stated, I agree the whole thread is unnecessary. I wish it would be closed.

But I also think you and others chiming in about how much you liked the forum before newcomers arrived was also unnecessary.

IMHO, the opening post was nasty in tone, had nothing at all to do with sports and by its very nature invited an open discussion regarding what did or did not occur. It began by pointing fingers at other members for their alleged actions didn't it? Start a nasty conversation, odds are it will follow that course.

I agree to a point; I would not call it outright "nasty" but it was at the very least accusatory. But I do agree it set the unneeded tone and solicited replies.

I also agree the replies being targeted as "nasty" were posted in reply and also were not nasty, they were directed at questions asked.

Again; this thread has served its purpose of letting us all know why the Bill guy left; so its done!

NOW BACK TO OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED GAME - the sports discussion thread!
Suppose a member of this site infuriated Sandra to the point where she left. She is also a friend of mine, and I'm just trying to let some of you know what happened.

Well I'm from New Jersey and I have five older brothers, so if people make me mad I don't go away, I fight back. Part of being a Ranger fan, I suppose. :D

the only thing this thread is doing right now is having people go back and forth on each other. it's not accomplishing anything useful anymore.
Let's just get back to talking about sports. :D
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Who do you consider the greatest quarterback of all-time?

For the record