Big Ten Network

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seeing as 49% of B10 Net is owned by Fox, its a good avenue for Charlie to persue with the litigation.
*sigh* You're probably right. I guess I was hoping that E* would make the channel available somehow (regional, a la carte, whatever). At this point that looks unlikely. Knowing how slow most things proceed in court we're probably looking at months if not years for a result.
They could still negotiate a way to air it, and depending on the outcome of the Ruling, change how it is offered.
I know, that was my point, negotiate a way to air it NOW, and leave some wiggle room in there if the FCC rules in favor of E*, i cant see where the B10 Net wouldnt do that to get there channel in as many households as possible ASAP.
That would be ideal but given how inflexable the BTN has been thus far combined with E*'s track record on negotiations I'm not holding my breath.
Well I think they are still in talks and from what I heard I think there is still a good chance Dish will work things out. But no one knows so we will see at the end of next month. Let's just keep our fingers crossed. :)
Go pound sand, BTN!

The Big Ten Network is being outrageous in its demands of Dish Network and cable systems. They want the channel placed on a basic tier of service, and they are demanding over $1 per subscriber in states where a Big Ten school resides.

It's time to put the Big Ten in its place! Remember, all the top football games will be on ABC or ESPN anyhow.

What bothers me the most is what will come next -- The SEC Network, The PAC10 Network, The Big 12 Network, etc. All this line of thinking does is pour money into conferences AT THE EXPENSE of all viewers.
The Big Ten Network is being outrageous in its demands of Dish Network and cable systems. They want the channel placed on a basic tier of service, and they are demanding over $1 per subscriber in states where a Big Ten school resides.

It's time to put the Big Ten in its place! Remember, all the top football games will be on ABC or ESPN anyhow.

What bothers me the most is what will come next -- The SEC Network, The PAC10 Network, The Big 12 Network, etc. All this line of thinking does is pour money into conferences AT THE EXPENSE of all viewers.

Yeah good points.
I have read (somewhere) that the SEC is watching very closely what happens with the Big Ten Network, which is one of the reasons I understand cable and E* position. But I also understand BTN position--we live in a capitalist society, the populace no longer foots much of the education bill directly, Title IX places demands on strained athletic budgets, etc., so why not try to make as much money as possible. American way, isn't it?
The SEC is doing more than watching they are trying to get there network launched within the next year or two. Being in SEC country I have heard and read a few things about there network plans.Of course if the BTN bombs they may have second thoughts.
Nice to see cheap skate Charlie is at it again as this pretty much confirms that you'll never see BTN on E*. What's Charlie going to do when News Corp no longer controls D*?
Perhaps Charlie is trying to get the same deal DirecTV has? Just because BTN is asking $1.10 from Dish and the cable networks doesn't mean that DirecTV (with parent Fox owning half the channel) is paying $1.10. In fact the way DirecTV was signed on at the very beginning implies they could be getting quite a discount on this channel. I'd be curious to see a source stating that DirecTV is paying the same $1.10 that evrybody else is being asked to pay.
Link to news story, Sports .

I wonder what Charlies legal bills are since he always seems to be in court for something?
Perhaps Charlie is trying to get the same deal DirecTV has? Just because BTN is asking $1.10 from Dish and the cable networks doesn't mean that DirecTV (with parent Fox owning half the channel) is paying $1.10. In fact the way DirecTV was signed on at the very beginning implies they could be getting quite a discount on this channel. I'd be curious to see a source stating that DirecTV is paying the same $1.10 that evrybody else is being asked to pay.

I seem to recall reading that D* and the "smaller cable companies" will be carrying the BTN on the BTN terms. There's a reason why D* is the leader in sports and tends to be more pricer than D*.
The BTN is very large to be considered a "regional sports network." It's "region" contains approximately 30% of the USA's population. Beyond that there is a significant level of interest in the B10 in most large population areas, due to how many graduates the B10 schools churn out every year.

The pricing for the channel out of the B10 "region" is quite low at 10 cents per month. That is much lower than even lowly-rated channels that populate tiers like AT100.

And the BTN is not "forcing" itself on anyone. They are merely offering a product. The only "forcing" going on is pressure from customers for providers to carry the channel.

E* is grasping at the straw of the Fox - D* relationship before that disappears. Can't blame them for trying though.
Comparing the BTN to what is typically defined as a RSN, we find that it's "region" covers areas that are served by:

FSN-New York
Comcast Sportsnet-Chicago
Comcast Sportsnet-Philadelphia

Collectively, that is a mighty big "Regional Sports Network."
I can't get out of my contract since I upgraded my 811 reciever for a VIP211, but if they do NOT carry the BTN, I will be down sizing my account to ONE receiver, and the bair minimum channels until my contract is up, that way I can afford Cable.
Can someone tell me what the lowest package is, that a person can buy, and still be under the contract with E*
$19.95 a month?
It looks like a race, I have Cableone for internet access and E* for TV, I guess who ever "get's off the POT" the soonest, gets my business.
One thing I noticed......This thread is in the general discussion area, should it be moved to the HD section since BTN will be a HD channel IF E* picks it up.
Our local Comcast cable has not reached an agreement with the BTN as of yet, even though we are surrounded by Big Ten teams and have both Indiana and Purdue Univeristy extensions in our city. Our local religious station used to carry the IU and PU football and basketball games from ESPN+, but that deal is going in the crapper due to the BTN.

I'm hoping that Dish comes to terms with BTN, but on a regional, not national basis. I'll pay the $1-2/mo fee for BTN, but only for the football and basketball seasons. Too bad Tennessee isn't part of the Big Ten, or Dish would have been the first to sign up!
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