Sometimes it takes a little more than a few AA batteries and a gadget from Amazon to get the job done. There's an amazing amount of DIY stuff out there, an an equally amazing number of videos to tell you how to use it. I should know, I've authored over 500 of them at our YouTube channel. But not every project is a DIY project, especially in big business, government and institutional projects.
When it comes to those big projects, you need what's called an integrator. You need someone who will organize the subcontractors, plan the installation, and take care of the entire thing from start to finish. You need Signal Connect's enterprise team.
When it comes to choosing an integrator, it really comes down to three things.
When people ask me where I got all the knowledge I put into these articles, more often than not the answer is "the school of hard knocks." If you're of a certain age you've heard that term before, but for the younger folks, it's an old idiom meaning that you learned by going out and doing something. Sometimes you make mistakes, but that just makes you work harder.
Our enterprise team members each have over a decade spent in the school of hard knocks. They've been there for the good, the bad, and the ugly. They know all the things that can go wrong because, chances are, they've seen them first hand. And then they've been the ones to make it right. That's the kind of person you want on your project.
There are some certifications in this world that don't amount to a hill of beans. Want a Doctorate? You can buy one online. But there are some certifications you have to earn. And our team has done the legwork. We have integrators on staff who hold commercial-grade certifications from DIRECTV, DISH, Wilson, Sierra Wireless, Cradlepoint, and more. Those may not seem like "prestige institutions" but the truth is, you can't fool them. The certifications they offer can only be gained from real hard work and practice. You want someone with a firm understanding of all the theories behind what you're trying to do. Sometimes theories don't pan out in the real world, but they're always the best place to start.
You want someone on your side who knows how to get it done. In some cases, that means having a government CAGE number so they can navigate the bid process you need to put them into. Sometimes it means training on CAD and other planning systems. And sometimes it just boils down to basic knowledge of how to turn a bid into a real working project. Our team has the support staff it takes to do it all right, the first time. Small errors in planning can lead to big cost overruns and that's why we make sure to have top-notch support staff in our Novi, MI corporate offices.
Rob Young
Scott Dreaver
Leading our enterprise team are the two experts you see above you. Between them they have decades of experience and hold dozens of certifications. They're the folks you need to know to get the job done right. Find out more about Rob by going to, and learn more about Scott by going to They're the folks you want to talk to. They'll get it done right.
The post Big projects? Call our enterprise team! appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.
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When it comes to those big projects, you need what's called an integrator. You need someone who will organize the subcontractors, plan the installation, and take care of the entire thing from start to finish. You need Signal Connect's enterprise team.
What to look for in an integrator
When it comes to choosing an integrator, it really comes down to three things.
When people ask me where I got all the knowledge I put into these articles, more often than not the answer is "the school of hard knocks." If you're of a certain age you've heard that term before, but for the younger folks, it's an old idiom meaning that you learned by going out and doing something. Sometimes you make mistakes, but that just makes you work harder.
Our enterprise team members each have over a decade spent in the school of hard knocks. They've been there for the good, the bad, and the ugly. They know all the things that can go wrong because, chances are, they've seen them first hand. And then they've been the ones to make it right. That's the kind of person you want on your project.
There are some certifications in this world that don't amount to a hill of beans. Want a Doctorate? You can buy one online. But there are some certifications you have to earn. And our team has done the legwork. We have integrators on staff who hold commercial-grade certifications from DIRECTV, DISH, Wilson, Sierra Wireless, Cradlepoint, and more. Those may not seem like "prestige institutions" but the truth is, you can't fool them. The certifications they offer can only be gained from real hard work and practice. You want someone with a firm understanding of all the theories behind what you're trying to do. Sometimes theories don't pan out in the real world, but they're always the best place to start.
You want someone on your side who knows how to get it done. In some cases, that means having a government CAGE number so they can navigate the bid process you need to put them into. Sometimes it means training on CAD and other planning systems. And sometimes it just boils down to basic knowledge of how to turn a bid into a real working project. Our team has the support staff it takes to do it all right, the first time. Small errors in planning can lead to big cost overruns and that's why we make sure to have top-notch support staff in our Novi, MI corporate offices.
Get to know the team

Rob Young

Scott Dreaver
Leading our enterprise team are the two experts you see above you. Between them they have decades of experience and hold dozens of certifications. They're the folks you need to know to get the job done right. Find out more about Rob by going to, and learn more about Scott by going to They're the folks you want to talk to. They'll get it done right.
The post Big projects? Call our enterprise team! appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.
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