Big News-Spectrum going Streaming only for new customers


Bender and Chloe, the real Members of the Year
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Nov 29, 2003
I have been giving hints about this for a few months, now another step to a streaming future-

Earlier this month, Spectrum and Comcast announced a new streaming player that will let you watch your TV subscription from Spectrum.Now Spectrum has announced that new customers will only get the streaming-only option.

With this change, current Spectrum TV customers can keep their cable TV boxes if they want, but new customers will only get the streaming option with Xumo. The good news is the new streaming players are about half the monthly cost of Spectrums cable TV boxes. Also, you can buy them outright for $60 and pay no monthly fee.

In a statement to Cord Cutters News, Spectrum said, "The Xumo Stream Box is the primary video device Spectrum will be providing to customers going forward. It delivers a next-generation entertainment experience that is integrated with the customer's cable TV services on a level not seen on other platforms."

So basically, on their way to becoming YTTV, unfortunately with a much higher price due to Broadcast/RSN Fees.

I give it two years, then TV will become total streaming from them.

Did not notice another thread before mine, please delete or merge, it is not giving me the option to delete, just edit.

Freevee TV will not update or load on Firestick
